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  1. H

    Building a Bubbleponics system

    Great advice guys, Appreciate it! I'm going to build my Bins today. Are you doing Bubbleponics Heisenberg? I'll probably go with 2 10 gallon bins and attempts to grow 6 plants total. Good to know about the roots as that was my primary concern. I'll keep you guys updated.
  2. H


    Yeah I goofed up on germing already. If it dies I'll have to run to the club for some clones. Thanks for the advice I won't add neuts till I a few leaves at least. :) Going to the store today to get the basics. Then heading to wallmart to get the rest.
  3. H


    That sounds better, how did you do that?
  4. H


    Thanks a lot for the reply, really appreciate it! :) Yeah it will be 2 days max to have the rock wool ready to go. Sounds like I'll be okay then. whew.
  5. H

    Building a Bubbleponics system

    Hi, I'm new to the growing scene. :) Ready to take the plunge. I have a few questions to start. I would like to grow at least 3 plants to a storage bin container. I noticed a lot of people are using 10-18 Gallon containers. Is there a reason one wouldn't be able to use one of the much bigger...
  6. H


    Hi I'm new to this whole grow scene and to these forums. I'm about to start my first small grow in a 4x4 room. I had a seed I kept from a God's Gift nug which is probably crossed with something unknown at this time. How ever I just germinated the seed but I have not set up my hydro system yet...