Building a Bubbleponics system


Active Member
Hi, I'm new to the growing scene. :) Ready to take the plunge. I have a few questions to start.

I would like to grow at least 3 plants to a storage bin container. I noticed a lot of people are using 10-18 Gallon containers. Is there a reason one wouldn't be able to use one of the much bigger containers at about 45 gallon to try and fit more plants?Would that be too much water/Neuts?

I was also thinking of some how sectioning off a part of the container for each plants roots so they do not get tangled as that seems to be one of the bigger problems with growing more than 1-2 plants per container. Would that idea work?

I'd like to grow 6 plants minimum maybe 12 total. Plan on using 1 HPS 400 W. A real newb question I have is... can the roots sit in water through their whole life span?

Any help will be much appreciated I'll even post photo's and play by plays as I get my project going.

Thanks! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yes the roots stay in water at all times through out their entire lifetime. Allow no light to enter the res. I covered mine in aluminum tape.

Check into building a DWC or deep water culture. They are much easier to build. no tubes!! Buy a dual output air pump, the largest you can afford. You need lots of bubbles.

People don't use the huge containers because you would have to have to use to much nutrients to be practical. I find it best to copy someone you like. Check out the grow logs and if you see a setup you like, go with it. Check out my grows, my system is extremely easy to build.



Well-Known Member
If you are new you are likely to make mistakes when mixing nutes, at least from time to time, and have to scrap a fresh res. If you have a huge container it costs a lot to fill. In addition the water could get stinky or cloudy and need a refill. No matter how big the container proper res maintence means changin the water every 7-10 days. So basically the less it costs to fill the tank the better. I can grow 2-4 in 6 gallons easily. My average yield per bucket is 5oz with a 600hps.

On the other hand, the bigger the container the more it will resist PH, PPM and temperature fluctuation, requiring less attention.

Don't worry about the roots growing together unless you plan to move the plants from res to res often. My plants get moved once, from veg to flower, and there is a bit of untangling to do, but it doesn't hurt anything.


Active Member
Great advice guys, Appreciate it! I'm going to build my Bins today. Are you doing Bubbleponics Heisenberg? I'll probably go with 2 10 gallon bins and attempts to grow 6 plants total. Good to know about the roots as that was my primary concern.

I'll keep you guys updated.