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  1. stilltokin

    water bongs is harmless or not?

    They are the Snowy Mountains in Australia. I ski, always have and will never change, yea u might not look as cool as boarders but it sure is fucking fun. especially those long steep wide slopes after u had a joint on the chairlift. what about u, ski or board? And to the person who said u cant...
  2. stilltokin

    happy new year everyone

    haha yea golden showers, they are amazing though, im talking about the fuking fireworks haha
  3. stilltokin

    Feminzied seeds make bad mothers?

    yea I agree, if u are going to get feminized seeds then save up some money and get some Dutch Passion or Sensi Seeds are probably the best quality out there at the moment. I myslef just toss the males from a regular batch.
  4. stilltokin

    Feminzied seeds make bad mothers?

    I just read that, pretty good info but generally what they probably mean is feminized seeds can be quite unstable, therefore making the whole mother plants a little unstable. females from a normal batch of seeds tend to be a lot tougher and non hermie than feminized seeds.
  5. stilltokin

    getting high of some kind of household item

    i heard you can crush up nutmeg and then eat like 2 or 3 tablespoons of it and get really fucked up. Personally i rekon it would taste like shit but it sounds alot safer than inhaling keyboard cleaners...hahah
  6. stilltokin

    water bongs is harmless or not?

    Personally joints are my favourite way to smoke coz I just love the high it gives me. But I dont always have the money for joints so I smoke my glass bong every night which puts me to sleep nicely(ive got insomnia). I dont know what id do without weed in this world, i mean not being able to...
  7. stilltokin

    happy new year everyone

    yea their pretty impressive, I mean this year I think they spent 5 mill on the fireworks, the golden showers that come off the harbour bridge are probably my favourite
  8. stilltokin

    Outdoor 09

    yea grow bags are just bags that you fill with soil, u can still move them around
  9. stilltokin

    happy new year everyone

    happy new year! Anyone hear from Sydney, Australia? The fireworks this time were a little dissapointing compared to the years before, but they were still very trippy
  10. stilltokin

    Whats The Strongest Strain Out Now?

    Im growing aurora indica from Nirvana and it says its their most potent indica in the shop, so im really excited to try that. I too have a very high tolerance and need something thats strong but yet again not something which wont make me move and gives me a headache-I fucking hate headache...
  11. stilltokin

    Ordering Seeds To Australia???

    yea ill probably try pick and mix next if I have to order seeds. Will probably just breed my strain I have growing now(aurora indica) so I dont ever have to go through that sketchy shit again.
  12. stilltokin

    105W enough?

    Ive got a 100watt cfl that I use for vegging and ive got a pc fan on it and I also need a big fan pushing the hot air outta my growroom. temps stay at about 25degrees celsius but I am in a very hot country.
  13. stilltokin

    What makes the crystal

    i tried helping u out but now ure just rude to everyone on this forum. Get the fuck outta hear!!:finger:
  14. stilltokin

    Smoking in your grow room

    haha over a grand on a bong? The most I spend on my glass pieces is probably 300 bux and I recently broke one of my best pieces-I cried all night long:shock:
  15. stilltokin

    most amazing pic of a bud I've ever shot

    nice picture of bud, thats what all the bud over here in Australia looks like +rep.
  16. stilltokin

    More Reflective? Tin Foil Or flat White Paint?

    go for white paint, it wont ever cause fire and with papers like mylar and all that it gets really loud and annoying if the wind from the fan gets behind em. I did that and I couldnt go to sleep coz i could hear it crinkle outside my room :wall:
  17. stilltokin

    Ordering Seeds To Australia???

    Ok i get pick and mix is a good site but ive ordered off Nirvana numerous times to OZ and their stealth was so good I had to look through it properly to find em. The package i got from them a few days ago, the stealth was so incredible customs would NOT find em if they opened it. Dont know what...
  18. stilltokin

    Aurora Indica Grow!!!!!!

    i could give u some pics but their only three days old and u probably know what theyd look like. Ill take some in 1 or 2 weeks ok? have fun p.s did u lollipop those? i mean i can see some tiny buds down the bottom but it looks like a straight bud/cola which I love so much. I especially like the...
  19. stilltokin

    Smoking in your grow room

    yea it has, so the majority says its fine with smoking a few bowls with your babies right? Thought the results were gonna come out different but thats good news for me:weed: Have fun growing
  20. stilltokin

    Ordering Seeds To Australia???

    Ive ordered of Nirvana like three times and the stealth is incredible(im in NSW). Ive had some nice plants outside because of them.:leaf::leaf::leaf: