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  1. stilltokin

    Size of plants

    yea you can definatly flower now
  2. stilltokin

    Collecting Resin.

    Yea I had to smoke some resin bowls yesterday cause I was out of weed and it gets you very high, bought some fresh stuff this morning though:-P
  3. stilltokin

    Who else is addicted to this forum????

    yea same here, thats pretty much all I do when I dont work, oh that and smoke alot otherwise it can get a bit boring
  4. stilltokin

    Is this normal?

    Same here, i can only eat a proper meal when ive been smoking. Your appetite will be back soon but back even sooner if you have a smoke:-P
  5. stilltokin

    weird things u do while stoned?

    yea I dont know anything about rap, sorry
  6. stilltokin

    Is this a REALISTIC solution to police entering my apartment?

    In my grow room ive got a reptile tank together with the plants so if cops come ill hide the plants quickly and exchange em for the tank, yea it may still look suspicious but they cant do anything if all they find is a reptile cage. Make sure to hide all your nutrients and stuff somewhere else...
  7. stilltokin

    weird things u do while stoned?

    thats scary, I hate watching people shoot up even though that vids meant to be funny. I start itching myslef really bad when I get baked, it feels like theres a ton of mozzie bites on my body. And most nights I wake up at 4.30 am in the morning because I need more bud to fall back asleep..
  8. stilltokin

    6 Mother Plants.....Time to flower!

    na that sounds good, those things are huge im surprised they dont want more. Maybe you should try completely soaking your pots when you water so you dont have to water as often. Always wait till theyve almost completely dried out but im sure you know that
  9. stilltokin

    You know you're a pothead when:

    When you wake up at 4.30am every morning because thats when ure high wears off and you have to smoke some more bowls to get back to sleep, it sucks so much
  10. stilltokin

    Getting a hold of Dutch Passion, Green House Seeds from the US?

    Pick and Mix is very good, dont know if they send to the US though. Everyone seems to order off that site now.
  11. stilltokin

    6 Mother Plants.....Time to flower!

    thats good news about the trainwreck, I heard the smoke was nice from it. Cant't wait for those pictures
  12. stilltokin

    6 Mother Plants.....Time to flower!

    Yea thats a good sugestion, I would just get the 4' X 2' X 5.5' tent, should be big enough for two mothers.
  13. stilltokin

    Is this mold on my weed?

    Ok i belive you, might be good for my bedtimes then haha, i need an extream couchlock to get me to sleep, its fun but it sucks too coz when I'm out of bud I can only sleep 1 or 2 hours max at night..
  14. stilltokin

    Legal Age

    What age did u guys start? Seems like everyone started with 18. I was very bad at staying away from weed when I was a kid. I started when I was 13 and started smoking every day when I was 15, I have Insomnia and so when I smoked bud I could finally fall asleep. My life was so bad before I was...
  15. stilltokin

    6 Mother Plants.....Time to flower!

    I dont know what that is exactly, but I would say keep watering with only ph'ed water for a few weeks until they get healthy. So many people recommend pumping ure girls full of nutes even when their not doing so well. Trust me dont do it. The hashplant however would like some nutrients. Go to a...
  16. stilltokin


    ??? grow up
  17. stilltokin

    You know you're a pothead when:

    that is so true. you know your a pothead whn you stare at your plants for half an hour and keep coming back to them after every bowl:leaf:
  18. stilltokin

    Legal Age

    yea id say 18 too, but thats kinda cruel if I was a kid. I started when I was 13:-P
  19. stilltokin

    12/12 after a month

    dont really understand that but 100watts of actual watts of cfls is good for veg. Hahah the cd's made me laugh, they wont do anything for reflectivity. If you want some reflection on the walls then its best to paint them with flat white paint, mylar is good too.
  20. stilltokin


    I also live in Australia and it just gets brutal outside sometimes, today it was 38 degrees celsius outside and my grow room was at 30. But ppl here learned to deal with the heat and still grow some impressive plants in these conditions. I hate the summer here aswell!!