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  1. sittinherebored

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bump bump pass..
  2. sittinherebored

    400w HPS bulbs for $2.99ea with low shipping:

    ya but i dont need that many. i only have one ballast. i wish the ballasts werent so dam much
  3. sittinherebored

    400w HPS bulbs for $2.99ea with low shipping:

    i just ordered 3 for $18 and change. i couldnt chance this being legit. ill tell you when i get them.
  4. sittinherebored

    Bump If You're Baked!

    roach bump.. eww..
  5. sittinherebored

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bump, another packed cigarello....
  6. sittinherebored

    Ture or False!!!!

    oh wow. i didnt notice that. that is bad, if your going to abbreviate then it has to at least make sense
  7. sittinherebored

    is it wrong to be a proud white male

    its not the person. its how they are raised. different cultures and races are generally different and thats why they judge each other.
  8. sittinherebored

    Ture or False!!!!

    i was trying to prove the point that if you understand them there is no reason to correct them.
  9. sittinherebored

    i think my shitty luck was actually the seeds. i found my other strains that i had hidden and...

    i think my shitty luck was actually the seeds. i found my other strains that i had hidden and they are germing fine. when you planting your seeds?
  10. sittinherebored

    Ture or False!!!!

    :finger:wat r u a skool teecher? hahaha if u kno wat theys b sayin. some people are just so uptight......
  11. sittinherebored

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bumped bump
  12. sittinherebored

    Ture or False!!!!

    cud you make the bottle with a hose in the top so you could direct it to particular spots? would it travel through the hose?
  13. sittinherebored

    Ture or False!!!!

    depends on the light you have. cfl dont have to worry and hid could probly do it up to 400watts but thats just about the liquid burnin the leaves. i dont know about the co2 part
  14. sittinherebored

    Should I kill them tonight or let the live? Pics incl VOTE KILL or NO, & tell me prob

    thats common for not stressed plants. just give it time
  15. sittinherebored

    What are some good veggies for indoors?

    haha that sux. my pitbull pup learned when she was very little to stay away from the plants
  16. sittinherebored

    is it wrong to be a proud white male

    :clap: well put. if only the rest of the world thought that way
  17. sittinherebored

    Chronic Pain Thread

    i blew-out my knee and i cant run or walk long distances. i never got surgery(cant afford it) so its still really messed up, one wrong step and im on my ass for 3-6 months. i came down from over 8 feet with my knee locked and it went ostrich style about 50degrees the opposite way than its...
  18. sittinherebored

    Bump If You're Baked!

    bump bump bump
  19. sittinherebored

    Growing in Compost?

    if its broken down all the way then it will probly be good.
  20. sittinherebored

    how to get resin off laptop screen?

    ok thanks. i just didnt know if that would mess up the screen