Ture or False!!!!


Well-Known Member
A pal of mine sed if you put fizzy water into a spray bottle and sprayed it on your plants that would create co2 which i fink is aload of bullshit cuz if you did that with the light on it would burn the leafs wudnt it..... what do u think is it aload of bullshit or wat????????????


Well-Known Member
depends on the light you have. cfl dont have to worry and hid could probly do it up to 400watts but thats just about the liquid burnin the leaves. i dont know about the co2 part


Well-Known Member
idk if it actually gives your plant C02 but it sure as hell makes a sticky mess all over your grow room

theres a recipe on here for homemade c02 out of yeast water and sugar.
I'll find the link for you

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New Member
I think its True!

But I've never done it. Like You said, Your can burn Your plants that way. And I don't think its worth the cose of the soda anyways.

If You want to get some cheap co2 to Your plants than set up a fermenter. In a bottle of some sort, I was using gallon jugs, add about 2/3s water, a couple cups of sugar and a packet of yeast. The more sugar the better. Then shake it up and put a small hole in the cap so the co2 can leak out of the bottle and into Your grow room.

You can make as many of these as You'd like. I had like 10 going.



Well-Known Member
thaks i have found the the homemade links on here 4 c02 i was gonna make 1 2day bt a pal sed tha and i wor sure n i aint risky my girls so thanks 4 the post,s


Well-Known Member
cud you make the bottle with a hose in the top so you could direct it to particular spots? would it travel through the hose?


Well-Known Member
A pal of mine sed if you put fizzy water into a spray bottle and sprayed it on your plants that would create co2 which i fink is aload of bullshit cuz if you did that with the light on it would burn the leafs wudnt it..... what do u think is it aload of bullshit or wat????????????

Why are grammar and spelling such an issue on this board? Much of the main reason MJ is so looked down upon in modern culture. Idiots.

Does anyone honestly believe the OP really grows successfully? He sounds like a functioning retard to me. Not bashing, just tired of retards posting retarded questions with retarded grammar. It is totally retarded! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i tried it on some plants on my very first grow. i used seltzer water. co2 and water only. i didnt notice a difference at all. ill tell u what ive learned though. everybody wants to give their plant that extra thing to give it that edge. when in reality just give it top ingredients and take good care of them and you will have the fattest buds in the world. you dont need to really do anything special. give them what they need to grow and let them do the rest. you just wait. food, light, water, air -- the plant will love you right back


Well-Known Member
thaks i have found the the homemade links on here 4 c02 i was gonna make 1 2day bt a pal sed tha and i wor sure n i aint risky my girls so thanks 4 the post,s

What did you say?

Also, when asking a question, such a "True or False?", the use of "!!!!!!" goes completely against your intent. Just trying to keep everyone above a 3rd grade education around here...


Well-Known Member
1 2day bt a pal sed tha and i wor sure n i aint risky my

...one today but a pal said that and i wasnt sure and i am not risking my...


Well-Known Member
What did you say?

Also, when asking a question, such a "True or False?", the use of "!!!!!!" goes completely against your intent. Just trying to keep everyone above a 3rd grade education around here...
hey man you have 11 posts on here. How can you come here degrading the intellect of everyone here?

You probably had another account and got banned for being an asshole huh?


Active Member
dude he is right about everything he said. you guys were misspelling almost every word you typed in. there is spell check for a reason.


Well-Known Member
dude he is right about everything he said. you guys were misspelling almost every word you typed in. there is spell check for a reason.
Who are you talking about? "you guys"? Im pretty sure I spelled my words correctly.
This is not a formal chat room is it? I was unaware of that if it was.
Yes this guy is a moron for not being able to type with eloquence but give him a fucking break.

Should we be scared of the grammar police now too?