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  1. oldsmokie66

    leafs folding

    what causes this? only 2 of the leaves are doin it on my biggest plant. friend said lack of water, but they have been gettin enough water with this rain we have been having
  2. oldsmokie66

    light bulb

    i found a purpleish colored light bulb in one of my old fish tanks. it is cylinder shaped. do yall think it would grow?
  3. oldsmokie66

    My first grow 1 week old how r they doing?

    ya transplant them. and i dont what other people think about this but do use just potting soil, mix it with some nice soil . i mix my pottin soil with wood ash and fertile soile from my yard. plenty of nuts and keeps the plants sturdy. but what i wanted to know did u germate them? beacuse my...
  4. oldsmokie66

    outdoor to indoor

    thanks guys. so my main concern is the pest? no concerns with the lighting
  5. oldsmokie66

    outdoor to indoor

    i wanted to know what i need to do with moving a plant from outside to inside. do i not need to have it under light for a lil while. or what.
  6. oldsmokie66

    light question

    do heat lamps grow plants? my friend said they did and i dont really belive him. so what do yall think
  7. oldsmokie66


    naw they dont send off wavelengths. around here they just take a shit load of area photos. but if u dont have a huge ass feild dont worry about it. speacliy if it isnt on your property.
  8. oldsmokie66


    i was talking to my dad and he said with potting soil that i need to mix regular soil with it to make it sturdy enough for my plants. 3 of my plants are already 8in tall and they are only in top soil and doing fine. what do yall think?
  9. oldsmokie66

    tropical storm

    yup they did fine . and they grew alot.
  10. oldsmokie66

    tropical storm

    ya thats what my friends were saying it will tuffin it up. but im bout to go check on them . ill post back
  11. oldsmokie66

    tropical storm

    naw Omally they are in pots. i made a mini green house and put the plants inside it. they looked healthy as shit and had a lil bit of water in the pots
  12. oldsmokie66

    tropical storm

    damn 420th way to be a dick. naw its just a shit load of rain
  13. oldsmokie66

    tropical storm

    the tropical storm is in flordia now and we are getting rained on like a bitch. do i need to make some type of shelter for my plants or do i just need to let it bet?
  14. oldsmokie66

    Germanting Sugestions

    I have heard many differnt ways to germate seeds. i germate mine in a wet paper towel and put them in a DVD case. it works just fine for me. but i was wondering is it better to have them in light or in dark. what do yall think
  15. oldsmokie66

    buckets outside?

    i'd recomend puttin them in pots with potting soil . works best for me
  16. oldsmokie66

    how to keep the animals from your plants eh

    hey man just piss around them. keeps the deer off of mine
  17. oldsmokie66

    Little help please

    naw i dont got right now. but honest to god already cyrstals
  18. oldsmokie66

    Little help please

    well i live down in south carolina. so its anywhere from 75- 90 . im watering it with tap water. i let it sit out over night to help out with the PH
  19. oldsmokie66

    Little help please

    after a cold front killed 11 of my plants i planted just one seed. i planted it 8 days ago and it is only 2in tall. i know people that have plants 3-4in in 8 days. why is it growing slow? or is it growing slow a good thing , beacuse their are plenty cyrstals growin on the leaves