tropical storm


Active Member
the tropical storm is in flordia now and we are getting rained on like a bitch. do i need to make some type of shelter for my plants or do i just need to let it bet?


Well-Known Member
You can't answer this yourself? Dude, you're there in the storm.. we're not. How are we supposed to tell you? If it is rough outside, windy and such.. so much that there's leaves blowing off trees and branches breaking then your plant is already dead.


Well-Known Member
you could try too if you wanna, never been in a tropical storm so i don't really know.


Active Member
ya bro if they are in the ground the roots will get flooded and the plant in general will probably be battered and die. and if for some reason they dont the saturated ground will get them instead. but who knows your area might luck out, hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


Active Member
naw Omally they are in pots. i made a mini green house and put the plants inside it. they looked healthy as shit and had a lil bit of water in the pots


Well-Known Member
If they are vegging, I would just let them be, I think a little abuse is good for the plants. My last grow went threw a tropical storm, and I just let it take the hit. get those stalks nice and thick : )

But overwatering is a bit of a problem, if you have good drainage ( perlite, etc. ) you should be alright, but If you already have the greenhosue made, I would just leave it in there


Active Member
ya thats what my friends were saying it will tuffin it up. but im bout to go check on them . ill post back


Well-Known Member
wow people, relax. it's rain.

sounds like you have things "covered". light rain is fine but when you get into downpours branches can break. a simple covering, be it a clear tarp or a greenhouse is fine. you just need to keep the pounding force off of them. but once again it sounds like you got things "under" control.


Well-Known Member
thats good to hear! i don't know why people think rain will kill your plants, i mean, has anyone ever heard of a downpour wiping out entire forests???nope, it has been raining and blowing for millions upon millions of years, the only reason we have plants is becuase they are used to it and can survive fine, i mean look at katrina, massive flooding everywhere, but as of right now, it is not a barren wasteland, but just as covered in trees, bushes, grass, and all sorts of animal life. marijuana is certainly a very hardy plant, and though you may sustain some damage, it stands a better chance of surviving than many other species i would think.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean Oldsmokie66 i also live in Florida.......... Orlando to be exact and i been through hurricanes and tropical storms but i wasnt growing back then, im just planning on moving my plants under some tree's in the forest so they wont get drenched in water

P.s. my plants are still all in cups i have 5 plants they are about 1 Month 3 weeks old and they are actually really slow growers they are only about 8-10 inches each


Well-Known Member
i liv n fl years ago wen we had those 4 canes n a row i had 13 females not 1 damn thing happend threw those canes...i was shocked there where n pots...1 fell over n that was it a week after when it was calm they grew n to 7 1/2 lbs from the babys now im no expert but i think thats a nice amount for 13 plants...lookin forward to the canes this year they seem to do me great


Well-Known Member
Damn Mr.x007 you can probably show me alot when it comes to growing, im still reading most of the stuff on the GrowFAQ

this is actually my first grow im planning on going to the store Next week to get some more soil and some perlite and a couple 3-5 gallon pots so i can permanentley transplant them into there new homes.

Any advice on what else i should probably get im not sure there about 2 months old and 8-10 inches tall (Outdoor grow)