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  1. F

    Whats best for cool tube??

    Yup no filter, any reduction in airflow will reduce the cooling effect.... Unless you have an über powerful fan of course! The cooling system should be run on a separate circuit for optimum results, suck in cold air from outside and blow it down through the ducting to your cooltube(s) and then...
  2. F

    Whats best for cool tube??

    On the whole push/pull debate most people are SOOOO wrong!!! Pushing the air over the bulb is definitely the best way IF your setup allows (eg keeping negative pressures etc etc).... And that's a scientific fact!! The air inside the cooltube on a "pull" system will be lower pressure than for a...
  3. F

    Growing with a topsy turvy.....

    Whiteflour is correct! The MJ plant will respond to being hung upside down by trying to grow upwards regardless of where the light is placed, this is called negative geotropism. Unless you have some way of reversing gravity there is nothing you can do about this unless you are a whizzkid with...
  4. F

    Growing from a seed!!!???

    LOL Yeah I meant to click quote on his post but didn't notice until after I'd hit submit.... Was too tired/lazy to correct it :-D Was agreeing with ya :-)
  5. F

    My new Setup....Eat your heart out :)

    Reflectors should ideally have air blown through them rather than having air being sucked through them! This improves the cooling efficiency :-)
  6. F

    Growing from a seed!!!???

    Generally people don't take the time to reply if the answer to your question can be found by using the search function of the forum or just by taking 10 minutes to research the topic :-) I learnt this many many years ago, not always the easy way either LOL
  7. F

    My new Setup....Eat your heart out :)

    It's a Savannah not a Serval :mrgreen:
  8. F

    1st Harvest - Pics :-)

    No it's Critical Mass (Mr. Nice Seedbank), but it does have an absolutely incredible fuel/diesel/kerosene stink to it!!! :-D The taste is awesome, still a touch harsh as it hasn't been cured properly but it's real buzzy, a few people have said they're getting light flashes in their vision and...
  9. F

    1st Harvest - Pics :-)

    Thanks guys :-) Gonna be weighing in tonight as it looks ready for curing now!! Fingers crossed :-S
  10. F

    1st Harvest - Pics :-)

    Yeah 9 ladies, originally all from a pack of "10" seeds (there was actually 18 in it, 17 germ'd and 8 were male) :-) We made tonnes of mistakes, the temps were all over to start with, the watering was erratic, the nutes were fed too late, the lights were too far away and we didn't have good air...
  11. F

    1st Harvest - Pics :-)

    Hi all, Well we had to cut short the grow by a week or so due to some 3rd party probs but it's all good and the pics are below of the harvest! There's an incredible fuel smell from this crop, after spending about an hour cutting and trimming I was so whacked I had to stop (hence why some...
  12. F

    My Growroom Plans

    Yup that's pretty much the idea :-) There's 2 reasons why you push the air over the bulb, 1 is that you then don't have very hot air going through your fan and 2 pushed air is more efficient at cooling!
  13. F

    My Growroom Plans

    Unless you have air cooled reflectors yes! Air which is being used for cooling a hot bulb should be "pushed" over the bulb not "pulled" :-)
  14. F

    Fans for stem strength

    Ok to add some actual academical background comments..... The article extract that was posted is a little misleading in how it reads but you also have to read it with the correct frame of mind! It does clearly state that no evidence of wind having an effect could be shown however mechanical...
  15. F

    1st Grow - Bud Porn - Done Yet??

    Ah thanks guys that's really helped.... The final decision is that we're going to wait for at least another week and after reading that last guide I think we're gonna try leaving them for as long as possible :-) Might as well let em get super ripe and then next grow we can tweak it a bit...
  16. F

    1st Grow - Bud Porn - Done Yet??

    Thanks man, great info in that post!! Found myself a pocket scope online, only £5 too :-D
  17. F

    1st Grow - Bud Porn - Done Yet??

    Thanks guys!! Haven't read about the pistils retracting into the calyx so will have a look into it!! I'm deffo going to get a pocket microscope, seems to be most peoples way of doing it :-)
  18. F

    1st Grow - Bud Porn - Done Yet??

    Hi Guys, Got some close ups of buds here, any comments on how they look?? Not too sure how to judge when they're done as reading conflicting advice (colour of trich's -vs- general "look" of plant) :-? We have 9 ladies who are on roughly day 49 of flowering, they are Critical Mass...
  19. F

    1st Grow - Mr Nice CM

    Update at last!! :mrgreen: Been hella busy lately but here are the latest pics taken today, not too sure how many days into flowering we are now but I think we've got 4 scheduled weeks left to go. Using Canna nutes at 40ml/10 litres, watering every day... 7-day cycle is: nutes / molasses /...
  20. F

    1st Grow - Mr Nice CM

    Nah you read it right, a "10" pack of seeds had 18 seeds in it, 17 germinated and grew right through to flowering and.... 9 are 100% confirmed female :-) One of the plants (Jasmine) has 8 bud sites, is super virilant in growth and a real stubby bushy plant... I have big hopes!!! And the...