1st Grow - Mr Nice CM


Well-Known Member
Ok so it's update time :-D

So we're now on Day 25 and some new pics are below!

We're currently running with an average temp during the day of 79-80F and at night it drops to 66-67F, the fogger is running 24/7 at present and will do so throughout the veg period.... rH sits at around 35% during the light period (fans on) and with fans off it rises to about 55% creating a lovely low mist which look awesome just as the lights switch on :hump:

All the plants are looking REALLY healthy right now, since being repotted they have really looked so much happier and are growing at a nice rate! The mutant plant has been left with it's top mutated leaffor now as it's a real healthy green and must be making energy for the plant.

Since the report we haven't watered them, the pots are feeling much lighter as of tonight though so tomorrow we're going to give them a good soaking and that should see them through another week. Due to the "possible" signs of root rot we've decided to use tap water for the next watering as it contains Chloramine and may well just kill any nasty bugs, we're not growing organic so not really worried about the good bugs right now LOL :weed:


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
They're looking great! Good job so far.

FYI, tap water is never going to be better than distilled water for growing cannabis. It's not going to kill any pests, it's just going to make it harder going on your girls there. It's not that pot won't grow with tap water, it's just that it won't grow as WELL as with distilled. It's just a lot easier for the plant to uptake. And it has the added benefit of not killing micro-beasties if you happen to be growing organically.


Well-Known Member
Day 27:

Ok so today was watering day :-D

Decided against the tap water and have today watered the plants with the same 6.2pH mineral water that we used before. Except this time (in case there was some early root problems) we've added 4ml per litre of 17.5% Hydrogen Peroxide. (For the US guys thats about 0.5 oz per gallon)

With any luck this will increase the available Oxygen to the roots as well as possibly kill or mame any nasty root rot that was lurking about. On the next watering (approx 5 days) we're going to do the same except at half that dose (2ml per litre).

Starting to see the real bushiness of this strain come through, a very Indica dominant species and on 7 of the 17 plants we have 5 clear nodes (all 5 still immature, not alternating).

Pics below we're taken today and I've got a closeup of the mutant, still not sure what to do with it.... It has two strong stems which have come out and are starting to grow quite vigorously, might be time to chop that mutated centre fan leaf off LOL


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Great job again bro, they're looking good. Very homogeneous too I might add. I'm a big fan of Mr. Nice gear.

2 things, first and foremost your Ph is too low. A ph of 6.2 is 100 times more acidic than a Ph of 6.3. Hearing that is what really made me realize the importance of properly Ph'd water. It makes a huge difference. People always want to try to not have to Ph their water, or use tap water, but in the end you will see eventually that distilled water Ph'd to 6.6 or at least something in the 'acceptable range' for cannabis works best. These things take a lot of time and effort to grow, and I for one wouldn't want to cheap out on probably the single most important 'ingredient' required for this recipe if you will. You'll end up with the pot equivalent of mac and cheese made with water instead of milk. Yeah it's still mac and cheese, but certainly not what you'd want if you had your 'druthers.

The acceptable range of Ph for cannabis is 6.3 - 6.8. I find that 6.6 works the best for me. Different strains can respond differntly, but in general I feel that 6.6 is generally speaking excellent for most strains. If the Ph gets off then the plant won't uptake nutrients properly, and that could be the exact problem that they're suffering from.

Oh and second, I would prob water a bit more often. It's not good to overwater, but not watering enough will hold your plants' growth rate back considerably.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate for the input however I must point out a big error on your understanding of pH!

pH is roughly equivalent to the inverse log of the amount of H+ ions in a solution, by it's nature we can say that roughly a change of 1pH is equivalent to a x10 in acidity (ie. A pH5 solution is 10x more acidic than a pH6 solution).

From this you can see that a change in 0.1 or 0.2 pH represents a much smaller change in acidity than you were thinking, although in biological terms this can be VERY significant whic is really what you were trying to highlight and for which I say thanks :-)

I'm actually a Chemisty post-grad student and so have access to a wealth of good info from my studies, just never been that good at Biology :-( LOL

In the past 2 days the plants have exploded with growth, and judging by the weight of the pots the next watering is gonna have to be SOON!!!

Big buds on the way me thinks ;-)

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Thanks mate for the input however I must point out a big error on your understanding of pH!

pH is roughly equivalent to the inverse log of the amount of H+ ions in a solution, by it's nature we can say that roughly a change of 1pH is equivalent to a x10 in acidity (ie. A pH5 solution is 10x more acidic than a pH6 solution).

From this you can see that a change in 0.1 or 0.2 pH represents a much smaller change in acidity than you were thinking, although in biological terms this can be VERY significant whic is really what you were trying to highlight and for which I say thanks :-)

I'm actually a Chemisty post-grad student and so have access to a wealth of good info from my studies, just never been that good at Biology :-( LOL

In the past 2 days the plants have exploded with growth, and judging by the weight of the pots the next watering is gonna have to be SOON!!!

Big buds on the way me thinks ;-)
Nice, thanks for setting me straight! hehehe I know plants, not chemistry that's for sure! lol

Awesome man, like I say just keep that Ph somewhere in the acceptable range at least and you'll be fine. If you can do chemistry you can def handle this. This'll be a walk in the park for ya chap!


Well-Known Member
Day 30:

:-D :-D

Oh my they do look very bushy today!!

Some new pics are below, taken this evening after watering.

Today they have each had 1litre (1/4 gallon) of the same water and again with the Hydrogen Peroxide added, next watering we're going to cut the Peroxide down to halfstrength and then half again and stay with that until harvest.

After watering with the Peroxide dosed water the soil is extremely light and airy!! It's amazing how much it has improved the drainage and the amazing growth response which was seen within just a few hours.... I wish we had timelapse LOL

So anyway here they are and compared to 3 days ago much bushier and all have gone up another node now :-) Oh and there's another pic of Hilda the mutant.... She's still growing LOL Actually has 2 REALLY strong branches from 1st node so with any luch maybe we'll get 2 main colas?!?!

PS. I'm gonna post some pics of leaves in another section as I'm not sure just how healthy they are having never grown these before!!


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Hey they look good bro, but I'd water more often than what you are I think. The reason you keep noticing a 'growth spurt' everytime after you water is cause without enough water they just kinda sit there stagnant, and then when you give them the water suddenly they explode. So if you igve them a little more water a little more often they'll prob 'explode' a little more often too!

If you're only giving them a quarter of a gallon every 5 days (judging by your posts) then I'd def step it up a notch. I give my seedlings that size about a half a gallon (in two 20 min spaced-out 1/4 each waterings totaling a half a gallon) every 3 days or so I guess. And I also use straight soil, which holds moisture longer than most mediums.

And it's up to you but I really don't think that you need to keep using the peroxide, I'm not sure what continued use of that over time would do to your plants. Usually when peeps use that it's for a quick one-time application as far as I'm aware. But I've never had to use anything like that before luckily.

But they look good, and I can't wait until they get flipped into flower! I've always been curious about this strain.


Well-Known Member
Update Time!! :-P

Day 35:

Not much to report other than that the plants look quite healthy!

Have still got the odd leaf here and there which shows some cupping and there are a couple leaves which have "clawed" their tips downwards but god knows why :wall:

We've changed watering schedule to every other day now and they're currently taking about 1 litre of water at each watering. As yet still no nutes, the Plagron Royalty Mix is supposed to be pretty well stocked with nutes for about 6 weeks and don't wanna over do it!

Oh and no Peroxide in the past couple waterings either, gonna do a root inspection next week then decided whether or not to continue with that.

Still haven;t got any alternating branches and some of the plants are growing the 7th node, I'm hoping they show soon as really wanted to put these into fower this week :-(

Anyway here are some pics!!


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Things are looking really good brotha!

Check your Ph. The leaf edges cupping like that could be due to the peroxide as I've never used it before, but it's prob a Ph issue.

If you want them to grow faster you should fertilize them. They're plenty big enough to handle it now. I know the bag of soil says that it feeds for a month, but you'll get used to learning all the 'real' times that things work for cannabis which is just different than other plants apparently. If you give them some nutes you'll reach your goal faster. Just feed like every other watering so that they don't get nute burnt.

And on the staggered branching, they won't do that until they're sexually mature and ready to flower. You can expect them to start pre-flowering (signaling sexual maturity and time to flip) when the secondary growth on the plants starts getting secondary growth, if that makes sense to ya. If you water them a bit more often and give them some nutes that'll speed this up.


Well-Known Member
Well today we started using nutes, opted for Canna Terra Vega @ 30ml / 10 litres

Also after watering I sprayed all the leaves and gave em a good washing off in case it was clogged up leaves or something :-S

Tonight they look quite happy :mrgreen:

And the even better news for them is that they're being treated to a new 1000w HPS for flowering!! Gonna be in a 5" cooltube so temps shouldn't be affected too much and will place in dead centre, if they respond well to it I'll consder a 2nd and spread them evenly :-)


Well-Known Member
Update Day 40:

Here they are in full teenage glory :-)

We're on 12/12 now as of Day 40 (today is actually Day 45 but been slow to get pics up) and we have 7 confirmed girls from the primordia so far and 10 which can't be identified or are male!

Not bad really for a "10" pack of seeds LOL

Anyway just a couple pics.....


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Looking great man, did you say you got 17 plants out of a 10 pack of seeds?! lol I'm sure I read it wrong.

Just a suggestion...what I would do if I were you is take the lower branches from the ones that are confirmed females and clone them like right now before they get any further into flower and you can't anymore. Just take like 5 clones from each female and once you flower them out and see what they're all like (every one will be a little different, and there's no way to tell until they're grown, dried, and cured really) you can continue the lineage of the best 2 or 3 phenotypes that you select. If you do this you can continue to run for many more cycles with the awesome strain that you have for free. Otherwise you'll have to start all over from seed again, and it takes at least a month longer this way really as compared to cloning. Plus you want to get rid of those lower branches that aren't going to produce anything and just hold the rest of the plant back anyway.

I used to not clone anything and just go at it from seed each time. Now I clone everything. Too many killer phenos got passed up. Now I want to have all my options!


Well-Known Member
Nah you read it right, a "10" pack of seeds had 18 seeds in it, 17 germinated and grew right through to flowering and....

9 are 100% confirmed female :-)

One of the plants (Jasmine) has 8 bud sites, is super virilant in growth and a real stubby bushy plant... I have big hopes!!!

And the mutant (Hyacinth) looks like she has been topped due to the strange growth early on but now has 2 huge bud sites :bigjoint:

We're on day 7 of flower now and all is looking well, clones were taken a couple days ago and are in rockwool cubes rooting nicely!

Pics soon ;-)


Well-Known Member
Update at last!! :mrgreen:

Been hella busy lately but here are the latest pics taken today, not too sure how many days into flowering we are now but I think we've got 4 scheduled weeks left to go.

Using Canna nutes at 40ml/10 litres, watering every day... 7-day cycle is: nutes / molasses / nutes / molasses / nutes / molasses / plain water
