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  1. skunksta

    the best/funnies job u ever had

    haha i used to work for a boat building company that was slowly going under and by the time i left we had no work on. oh the mahem! haha one day we had new forman start and i we were all doing nothin just fooling around doing shids in a puddle of diesal on the tractor on th factory floor and any...
  2. skunksta


    cake for breakfast wow how come i never thought of that
  3. skunksta


    why does toast taste better at night but is usually eatin for breakfast?
  4. skunksta

    empire falling?

    so i been watchin americas economy slowly crash away. will it crumble like every othe empire recorded in history or will it prevale? im interested to see whats your thoughts on this?
  5. skunksta

    transport paranoia solved!

    why does toast taste better et night? but people tend to eat it for breakfast
  6. skunksta

    transport paranoia solved!

    yea thoght about that but with the converter/inverter (haha one of the 2) i can use it when i go spot light hunting an mahe toast while driving haha
  7. skunksta

    Biggest NUGG branch snapped off cuz of weather

    you poor bastard thats got to suck. yea man releve the tension by smoking that bud!
  8. skunksta

    transport paranoia solved!

    the road is off is pretty much a goats track in the middle of know where not too worried bout that ay. last year we raped the bud in plastic lunch wrap than in sealed bucket worked well but i just dont want to risk it wet bud absolutly reaks
  9. skunksta

    transport paranoia solved!

    yea hopefully work as planned haha not that any thing ever does lol welcome to RIU by the way
  10. skunksta

    transport paranoia solved!

    will only be in there for an houand a half so shouldent to i would however be worried bout mould if it was in there for a length oh tim. i can also use it to put my bud in once cured. And also the bag bag is on a roll withch is 5 meter length (16ft) so should be able to fit whole branchs in
  11. skunksta

    8ft sitiva!

    what a great name for a band anyone herd of them?
  12. skunksta

    transport paranoia solved!

    eayly solved. wear rubber gloves and ditch them afterwards maybe stop at rest area and put in bin. dont want to be littering haha
  13. skunksta

    transport paranoia solved!

    ok my spot is a 1 1/2 hour drive haeps of bacon mobils cruise the roads too so iv always been parinoid as hell. i think i may have found the answer, im going to invest in a vacuum sealer and an ac/dc converter for it so i can harvet bud seal at yhe car than presto no smell. well thats the plan...
  14. skunksta

    drip system?

    burry the bucket and put sticks and leaves over top to desguise it. i would say 2-3 buckets for 5 plants the more the merryer i guess
  15. skunksta

    Seed position root tip up or down in rw?

    sweet cheers 4 the info man. sorry 4for asking bout this on ya thread by the way
  16. skunksta

    drip system?

    been thinking bout this one myself. was thinking about leaving buckets next to plants with a couple of pin holes. so when ever it rains they will fill. still got to test how long it will take to drain. another idea is havin a long shoe lace or 4 out of the bucket and putting the other end in...
  17. skunksta

    Seed position root tip up or down in rw?

    2'' from bulb was just about to ask a similar question. what watt are your fluros im about to bya 36 watt will 2 '' be sweet or more like 6?
  18. skunksta

    Seed position root tip up or down in rw?

    yea i also think root tip up if its only pokink out of the seed a bit if you been busy or whatever and have germinated them ready to plant last week and they are still in the paper towel with really long stem. plant it downwards
  19. skunksta

    Fluro light?

    Basic question really i grow outdoors and this year im getting a few clones. How many watts is recommended for fluro light ill need?
  20. skunksta


    yea can move it but a shit load of work might have to though grrr hardly any time still heaps of work