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  1. bazookajoe

    3x1000 watt indoor medical grow

    I gotcha.. i was picturing myself standing there lookin @ my mothers askin em. Which one of u bitches got the best babies lmao.. total stoner moment
  2. bazookajoe

    3x1000 watt indoor medical grow

    What qualifies as the best clones?
  3. bazookajoe

    Going to finally give horizontal growing at GO! 600w or 1000w 4x4 SOG?

    Depends on ur medium n how much water it holds.. if it drys faster(hydroton, coco..etc.) ull wanna flood more often, I've heard up to 6x during lights on! If its say.. a 6" rw block then probably only once or twice a day (personally id start @ 1x and read her from there and adjust accordingly...
  4. bazookajoe

    3x1000 watt indoor medical grow

    The newest growth is the limest and its fading downward. Yep she's got flowers forming:-) just lime no yellowing. I hope mine does the same lol
  5. bazookajoe

    3x1000 watt indoor medical grow

    Thanks for ur quick replies bro, and also ur time and input. Ill hang out for a bit n wait like u said before I do anything else. I'm not in a med state and usin my phone so sorta sketched out bout postin pix w/gps or whatever.
  6. bazookajoe

    3x1000 watt indoor medical grow

    It sprouted on 11-7 in a 1.5" rw cube, Its been in the same mix since 11-11 when I put it into a 1 gal pot vegged for roughly 6 wks from seed and it was fine. Transplanted into 3gal smarty and its been flowerin for 17 days now. I'm pretty sure its n def bc there is nothing else goin on or lookin...
  7. bazookajoe

    Sea of Seeds reputation

    Do the promos every change? Everytime I look @ the promos they're always the same. No new ones that I've seen since like july.
  8. bazookajoe

    what fan CFM would be good for my tent?

    Get a speed controller as well, u might wind up with to much negative pressure and 400+ cfm really isn't needed but better to have to much than not enough.. keep it green:weed:
  9. bazookajoe

    3x1000 watt indoor medical grow

    Just read all 142 posts and I'm interested for sure bc I'm using pre amended soil mix, mixed with gh xtra soil and mykos. I feed with gh flora duo 2 part with floralicious plus. I was on a feed water feed schedule @ half strength with my 2 in flower until I noticed n def in the bigger of the 2...
  10. bazookajoe

    what fan CFM would be good for my tent?

    U got it.. r u gonna have a prob with havin the light diagonal? Ur gonna need a cpl 4x6" duct reducers for the ends of ur cooltube and with ur tent bein 32" square its gonne be to long with the reducers attached for straight across the tent, unless uve got the 19" tube then ull be alright to run...
  11. bazookajoe

    what fan CFM would be good for my tent?

    Seeing as how u only have 33 ft3 any/all the ones mentioned will work. Go bigger cfm and speed controller if u plan to upsize grow space. If not, a 4" INLINE fan n filter will b just fine.
  12. bazookajoe

    Going to finally give horizontal growing at GO! 600w or 1000w 4x4 SOG?

    If cooling isn't an issue 37.5w/sq ft. Or 62.5w/sq ft.?? I guess that's the question.. .02
  13. bazookajoe

    too much light????

    id say a tad bit lol. I'm not familliar with using 1k's but enough light IMO is 50w/ sq ft.. ur pushin 210w/sq ft., id only run 2 of em max. Just my .02
  14. bazookajoe

    how would you do it?

    Id use 1MH for veg and the other mh n 2 hps in the flr room hps-mh-hps .02
  15. bazookajoe

    New Victory in Indiana!

    That's wassup.. I got some bag seed from a family member that he brought back from an oregon vacation.. he's just a smoker so he didn't bother rememberin the strain but it'll hold me over til I order some :-)
  16. bazookajoe

    New Victory in Indiana!

    From what I've read, so far all we got goin on is a dem n repub proposing decriminalizing posession, one says 3oz. The other says 10g. Its a baby step but one step closer. I haven't found anything about a mmj proposal tho. They need to get with the program so I can help my mom get away from the...
  17. bazookajoe

    New Victory in Indiana!

    This thread is exactly a year from the last post lol.. lets hope for better luck this year!!!!!!
  18. bazookajoe

    Hi, I am Employedmale!

    RRROOXXANNNEE.. sorry, had to do it.. catchy tune n im baked and now that shits stuck in my head bongsmilie
  19. bazookajoe

    Medical Marijuana Grow 10 Strains!!! Take a look!!!

    Did ya give up on the thread bro? It was lookin good a month ago, whatcha got goin on in that flood tray now?