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    paying for your electric

    a meter reading will occasionally come round to check all meters to see if they have continued rising. If u are on a key meter I spose its better because there is no one sending you bills every month or quarter
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    Im ready to flower!!! First Grow! OPINIONS WANTED!

    you'll get fuck all off each one if u flower now maybe 1g not worth the bother
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    Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

    thats bullshit. THC comes from the buds
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    13 weeks.. havest time???

    behead that fucking bitch like Henry 8th would
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    Three Weeks Flowering under CFL's

    yeah get a HID 600W +
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    400wHPS Lemon *pics*

    Healthy plants good temps good grow. mylar or white paint might be helpful
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    Length to see a flower from vegetation?

    after a week on 12/12 you will see white hairs or pistals coming out of the internodes, should be budding up by 2 weeks later. I have heard you can put plants in total darkness for 36 hours before flowering schedule to speed up flowering it is sposed to reset their hormones or something
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    Harvested and tiny little seeds in my buds

    yes they are bananas caused by flowering too long and contain male pollen some people over flower their females to hermie them so the pollen is f X m then cross this with another nice female to get feminised seeds
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    Sun Hut XXL, 1200w numerous strains...Here we grow!

    Superb grow - red skunk! you say you are done with GHS, whats the problem with them is it just the cloning issue, trainwreck and cheese and AI all look like good strains?
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    Blue Cheese: Barneys Farm or Big Bhudda?

    greenhouse cheese looks good its from big budda I think its on a you tube video they got loads of types on there, seem pretty sound as well
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    Should I switch my light cycle to 12/12??? Have pics

    I would leave it a week or 2 but it depends on the size of your growing area. Instead of trimming- make a few holes in the pot get some string and feed it through the hole and round the lower branches, pulling them down carefully this will increase the surface area of the plant and light...
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    White widow. Is it ready for harveset? pics! help

    you got at least three weeks to go on that
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    auto ak47 light cycle

    Thanks, I m still gonna change to 12/12 cos the electricity is costing me an arm and the buds on the ak are looking pretty decent already do u know whether mixing organic and non organic nutes is a problem?
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    auto ak47 light cycle

    Hi, I have got 4 auto aks, a few jock horrors, and an indica greenhouse mix with cheese, lemon etc in organic soil with bio canna nutes, superthrive and I got loads of terra Flores a mate gave me .. (incidently is it ok to mix these organic and non-organic nutes?) I'll put some pics up as soon...
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    does nirvana ship in a plain package?

    Yeah they are good mine came in a load of plain packaging inside a pink ipod sock thing so it was really discreet, few free jock horror beans i think attitude is sound as well
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    pruning B4 Blooming?

    try training your plant instead of chopping leaves, you make a hole in all sides of your pot (good if your using square pots) take a bit of string and pull down a branch on each side this lets all the lower bits get light.
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    stupid question im sure

    Maybe switch to a sodium bulb, I m vegging a few under 600w HPS, u should see how fat they are looking only been under the light for 2 weeks brought inside from out cos the weather turns shit
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    i got busted :(

    Hi that's fucked up can the police just nab your house if you been growing and what if it's rented?
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    any ideas on a strain for autoflowering??

    auto ak47 or auto blueberry look up lowlife on the attitude