stupid question im sure


Active Member
alright my plants are vegging under a 400 watt mh and they are just over 4 weeks old. some are doing well however about 5 of them grew to 7 inches and the nodes stopped beside the stalk and the tops are just real bushy. the vertical height has stopped as well. most of the middle fan leaves have since yellowed and fallen off however the tops are green and nice with 9 finger leaves. can someone tell me wtf is going on? ill try and get pics later. as an idea tho think of a palm tree with nodes started that just stopped lol


Active Member
i hope this helps they havent changed in 2 weeks now pic 5 is one of the better plants at 11" and the nodes grew out the others havent
Besides them stopping growing what else is wrong and I think they look sweet and you need to palm them sooner or later. Try repotting them or flushing the soil


Active Member
Maybe switch to a sodium bulb, I m vegging a few under 600w HPS, u should see how fat they are looking only been under the light for 2 weeks brought inside from out cos the weather turns shit


Well-Known Member
the only thing i see is the soil looks like plain dirt.

i use 2/3 promix potting soil and 1/3 pearlite.

you can kinda see the soil here.


New Member
Honestly dude. your plants look fine. very young. They're just outta seedling stage recently. Chill, let nature do the work. And very low on the feeding. I did notice though, your leaves are kinda all down. almost like its night time. How close is the bulb? What are your temps? How often are you watering? What is your runoff PH, do you ph the water appropriately?


Active Member
Honestly dude. your plants look fine. very young. They're just outta seedling stage recently. Chill, let nature do the work. And very low on the feeding. I did notice though, your leaves are kinda all down. almost like its night time. How close is the bulb? What are your temps? How often are you watering? What is your runoff PH, do you ph the water appropriately?

85f tops for temp 400 watt MH avg 20" from tops and ph going in is 6.8

no way to test runoff really.

they are 5 weeks almost and 7" is normal?


New Member
70ishF is ideal Are u sure it only gets that hot? I bet under that light with warm weather it gets warmer. You should get some a/c if possible. 7" under a MH for a month isnt really that big. My average under a 400watter is about 30 inches or so if I don't top with a semi stable less stretching strain. If you dont have a PH test kit, u should get one. They are less than ten bucks at a hydro store. You just put some of the runoff water that drains outta ur pot in a lil vial and test with the solution they give u. its very easy. I still think your temps have something to do with it. How are u feeding it since it was a seedling?


New Member
you can put thelight a little closer than 20"
Exactly what I was thinking. Unless of course the temps are so high that he's hurting his plants. 20" away from a 400watter and you're probably getting the effects of only having a 250. Cool em down, move it closer. A/C is a must have.