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  1. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    DAY 3 FLOWER So there was a minor crisis when I awoke this morning. One of my lights had fallen and was resting against the plant. It was only on for about an hour and a half, but unfortunately some damage was done. Not very happy, but what can ya do... On the positive side, I THINK we...
  2. witelightnin

    First Grow...3 bag seeds

    Great lookin plants! I'll be very interested to see how much you yield. I'm doing a somewhat similar grow w/ CFL's and a quick veg cycle, just put into flower yesterday so I've got a ways to go. Good luck!
  3. witelightnin

    Where to get red spectrum CFLs?

    cool, thanks for all the suggestions. SlimJim, unfortunately right now ventilation is a bit too much of an issue for me to swap to HPS or anything producing a lot more heat and really I don't have the knowledge of ventilation systems to make it work. Gastanker, while I realize a lot of the...
  4. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    cool, thanks for the idea. I'll look into that for the future. +rep edit: just found the emergency blankets and they are really perfect. I had no idea those even existed so thanks again for that!
  5. witelightnin

    One chance first grow

    From the looks of it, you might want to get those bulbs closer to your plant if possible. The closer they are, they less your plant will stretch meaning you will get tighter buds when you flower.
  6. witelightnin

    Where to get red spectrum CFLs?

    Anyone know a good site to get red spectrum CFLs for flowering for a moderate price? Unfortunately none of my local stores carry the red spectrum bulbs and I'd really like a few for my flowering room. I'm on a budget here but I'm really looking to get the most I can out of my grow. Thanks!
  7. witelightnin

    New Grow HELP

    Leave them alone and don't overwater them. Make sure they are getting enough light and that whatever you have them planted in is airy enough to encourage root growth. But really, the best advice I can give is to just let them do their thing and give them some time. Very often, some plants...
  8. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    So I just found out that my "mystery seeds" are Moroccan black. So that's what the plant I just put into flower is apparently. All I can tell from reading up on it is that it makes excellent hash, which is pretty sweet considering I just bough some hash bags from my last grow. Anyone have any...
  9. witelightnin

    NeerGreen: New Era grow #1

    Yeah, I'd say hold off on any nutes until a couple weeks into veg. Or at least until you see veg growth noticeably improving. Hope it works out for ya.
  10. witelightnin

    NeerGreen: New Era grow #1

    If you'd like a reference point, take a look at my grow journal in sig. It does seem like your plants are moving VERY slowly. I've never done a hydro grow so I'm not exactly sure what could be wrong, but if I had to wager a guess I'd say it has something to do with your roots not developing...
  11. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    Well, it's now been 1 month from seed on my biggest plant. I was on vacation for the past 3 days and was very nervous I would come home to a dying plant, but when I opened up the grow room I was super excited to see the great progress that was made. There are now about 8 really excellent bud...
  12. witelightnin

    yellow leaves on first week of flower

    A lot of times some fan leaves will just do that on their own. It doesn't seem to be a lot of leaves, and most others look very healthy so I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  13. witelightnin

    Help with my first grow - Yellow Spots and dying leaves!

    Hmm, I was really thinking nute burn until you said they were showing yellow spots before you started nutes. I'd maybe give them a good flush anyways for a couple watering cycles and see if that helps.
  14. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    I just went with what is on the label for them. Right now I'm using Grow and Micro at 2ml/L and BioRoot at 5 ml/L. Right now I stagger feedings, nutes for 1 feeding and just BioRoot for the other. I really don't know much about EC or TDS, so I'm just going with what I've done in the past...
  15. witelightnin

    Nervous about low stress training, please help

    Yeah, I think I even waited about a week or so too long to start, because the stem was already starting to harden up and get thicker. I was able to bend it without breaking it though, just required some very careful attention. My seedlings will definitely be starting LST a little bit earlier...
  16. witelightnin

    Nervous about low stress training, please help

    awesome, thanks for the quick responses. I'm really starting to enjoy this whole growing thing. I just updated my grow journal so feel free to take a look.
  17. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    I started Low Stress Training last week. I was a bit nervous that I would totally mess it up and ruin the plant, but hopefully it all works out for the best. I don't have a very large grow area currently so space is at a premium. Just fed her (hopefully) a full dose of nutrients last night, no...
  18. witelightnin

    Nervous about low stress training, please help

    So last week I started LST for the first time on one of my plants. I took a piece of twine, wrapped it around the stem and tied it off, then took another piece of twine around the stem, and bent it to pretty much 90 degrees in the opposite direction and tied it down. Really I'm just looking to...
  19. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    DAY 21 I gave my big plant it's first nutrients today. So far, no reaction to it and it's been about 5 hours so hopefully I won't see any nutrient burn. Lots of new growth and the plant has shot up almost an inch in the last couple of days. I'm going to have to move my lights up very soon...
  20. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    Sorry, uploader not working right for me on that last post for some reason.