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  1. witelightnin

    Red Hairs At Harvest Question

    yeah, I wouldn't worry at all about the red hairs. If you have a jewellers loupe or good magnifier, take a look at your trichromes. You want to harvest when most of them are milky in color (not clear). If you wait until they are amber you will get more of a couch-lock high.
  2. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    DAY 17 FLOWER She is really starting to take off. There are about 7-8 really nice bud sites developing and she is really starting to fill out. I finally rearranged my flower and veg room, so now I have a 3' x 2' x 4(h)' area for flowering. This setup is going to work extremely well as it...
  3. witelightnin

    2nd grow, 80wfloro 350w HPS 1st organic grow

    Awesome grow so far. I'm amazed at how fast yours grew! Great pics too, can't wait to see the finished result!
  4. witelightnin

    Stealth Speaker Grow - Short Stuff Super Cali Haze - CFL - SCROG

    wow, those cola's look fantastic! Great job on a CFL grow! I hope mine turns out HALF this good. =D
  5. witelightnin

    Need Help When Should I Harvest? +REP

    I'd recommend investing in a jewelers loupe or a magnifying glass to take a look at the trichromes. Although you can tell somewhat when a plant is ready based on when the hairs change color, it is best to harvest at the peak when your trichromes are at least 50-60% milky and some are beginning...
  6. witelightnin

    Drooping clones

    Thanks for the advice. pandan, a lot of that info I did already know but some of it was very informative. I don't think I had cut nearly enough leaves off (a couple of my cuttings had several sets of full fan leaves still). As for humidity, I don't have a way to gauge it, but I've made sure...
  7. witelightnin

    Drooping clones

    I just took some clones earlier today, and they have completely drooped over to the point that the main stem is bent horizontal instead of vertical. I used rooting gel, put them into rapid rooter plugs, and put them directly into my humidity dome. What I'm wondering is, should I cut down some...
  8. witelightnin

    What to do while waiting for my plants to bloom

    I've heard mixed reviews, but the majority of what I've seen has been good. It also helps that I got the 10 seeds for like 35 bucks including shipping (non-feminized) plus 5 free seeds. Honestly, anything will be better than my last grow. I could smoke a whole blunt myself of that stuff and...
  9. witelightnin

    What to do while waiting for my plants to bloom

    This might actually be as good a place as any to ask this, but is there a forum or anywhere on here where people talk about trading seeds? They are so expensive, but I'd really like to try out some variety and have a few I'd be willing to part with. Sorry if that's against forum rules, I...
  10. witelightnin

    What to do while waiting for my plants to bloom

    Yeah, that's what I'm working towards now. I have some kind of lemon variety that I'm going to try and keep as my mother plant and just take 2 clones from her every 2 weeks or so. I'll prob even try to make a mother out of the thc bomb strain I'm growing if it turns out nice. And yeah, that's...
  11. witelightnin

    What to do while waiting for my plants to bloom

    Unfortunately I have no weed at all right now, so that option is out. I suppose I could think of maybe buying ONE bag and just spacing it out as much as possible... but the problem always ends up being that if I HAVE weed, I smoke it. I've never been good at rationing things. =P
  12. witelightnin

    What to do while waiting for my plants to bloom

    Thank you for the advice. This is only my 3rd REAL grow, and money is tight so I'm trying to do as much as I can with as little as I have. It's a CFL grow, and I did a bit of LST on my first plant with much success thus far. Tomorrow I am going to be taking some cuttings and cloning them so...
  13. witelightnin

    What to do while waiting for my plants to bloom

    Ok, so I told myself after my last grow (cured in mid August) that I would absolutely not buy any more weed until my next crop was done. Unfortunately, that harvest was really shitty and the weed was very weak so I ended up going through it in about a month. I've been pretty much smoke-free...
  14. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    Hey thanks man, so excited! Just moved 2 more plants into my new flowering box. I'm probably going to need to reconfigure everything again at some point but for now we're good to go.
  15. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    DAY 9 FLOWER HELL YES! I found the first few hairs today and I'm now about 95% sure that the big plant is a female. If anyone on here can help me to confirm based off this pic (I know it's not amazing quality, I don't have a macro lens unfortunately) I would be very appreciative. This...
  16. witelightnin

    Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)

    Sweet Dee (who is also way fatter than this now) and Mack and more Sweet Dee playing the role of most adorable kitten on the planet...
  17. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    No worries, that's what the forums are for.
  18. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    Yeah, I just added another "stake" to the top this evening. When I did it the first time everything was horizontal but the main cola turned up towards the light after a day or so. I was waiting for a bit more growth first, but it should be fine now. Unfortunately I can't really get a better...
  19. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    Hehe, they are actually those individual dental floss picks. They work amazingly well for small plants, just requires a little bit of work to get the leaves through them. As for the pre-flowers, thanks for that info. It's hard to tell in the photo but there are actually 2 different sets of...
  20. witelightnin

    New Grow Room, First Grow

    I water about every 4-5 days or so, so I think you're doing just fine. If you go by the rule of sticking your finger down an inch or so to feel for moisture you should be just fine.