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  1. peter parker

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    sorry for not updating but theres not much change lol. heres some pics i just took. :joint: :peace:
  2. peter parker

    600w buddha sister grow log

    or you could bend and tie the taller ones over a bit to get the same height, or take some clones to make up for the 4 you lost.
  3. peter parker

    Please help me sex these LowRyders

    ??????? how do you make hash from males wtf. 1,2,4 males for sure. 3 hard to tell, that growth doesn't look like pollen sacks though. sucks dude.
  4. peter parker

    using cfl - how do you make a set up with these?

    this is my cfl setup i made using a bathroom vanity light setup and some of those splitters. most of the bulbs are 42w, equal to about 150w incandescent each. made a cheap reflector from foil bake pans, i need to redo lol. as you can see my garden is doing ok the 4 flowering are kinda leggy but...
  5. peter parker


    do you stare at the sun too?? lol wtf dummy quit looking at the light... :P
  6. peter parker

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    so ive read when your white hairs turn 50 - 75% red/brown/orange whatever, its time to harvest. but ive also read not to harvest until trichomes start to go cloudy. well i'd say more than 50% of my white hairs are now brown, but when i look at my trichomes most are still clear. im using a piece...
  7. peter parker

    No smell ???

    doesn't matter it could be AK-47 but if the plant was poor quality its seeds will be also its all about genetics. why do you think you throw away the little plants that are struggling to keep up with the big ones, you don't want to carry on that genetic trait.
  8. peter parker

    No smell ???

    the seeds are only as good as the mom they came from sadly nothing you can do will make it killer if it wasn't to begin with, might be better than the smoke it came from though. i rub the stalk to smell it, don't want to take away from the buds lol. ive only got 4 flowering now so im sure if i...
  9. peter parker

    Extended Dark Peroid To Help Finish Flowering

    i am getting to the end of my first harvest ever, and i have read posts about it and was wondering if i should do this or not. 1 says yes 1 says no lol what to do
  10. peter parker

    No smell ???

    im on my first attempt with bagseed and mine doesn't really smell 6 weeks into flower, unless you put your nose in it, or when misting. it will start to smell more as it grows flowers, depending on the strain it might stink like hell or you might not notice at all.
  11. peter parker

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    i don't know if you can smoke it but i was thinking of trying it in a volcano vaporizer as my friend has one, wonder if either of these would work.
  12. peter parker

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    pics on day 10 pic 1 is before daily shaking, pic doesn't do the colour justice its lighter than that, a nice dark amber. pic 2 is after shaking looking into jar, the weed is real dark compared to the liquid. i changed the jar cause i didn't like the way it was sealing.
  13. peter parker

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    i think the other ones are male as well, i don't see any white hairs, looks like the other males to me, also the leafs look like they are getting too hot, kinda crinkled, shaped weird. kill em all and get seeds somewhere else i heard BC bud depot is a rip off. check green mans seed bank list...
  14. peter parker

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    i got my bottle of glycerin from a wine making shop(called GNC first, they thought i was talking about explosives, then told me to try a wine shop). 1 litre was 15.99 no tax :) ha(1 litre does 1/4 pound). it must be safe because it can be added to wine. this is what the bottle says. Glycerin...
  15. peter parker

    How I got busted

    maybe HES a cop.... lol
  16. peter parker

    For those of you on a budget...

    ok while it IS an HPS light i can't tell from the description there but it probably doesn't have the same light spectrum as a HPS light you would get from a hydro store.... but if you can switch the bulb out for one you buy from a hydro store like a hortilux then maybe you got something...
  17. peter parker

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    check back in the posts i put picture for each step and explained it. maybe i should make a journal for this experiment lol.
  18. peter parker

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    so this is what it looks like on day 4...... man i can't wait to try this lol :joint: :peace:
  19. peter parker

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    ya i read about the usp glycerin and i looked at the store and found some. it said it could be used as a mild laxative lol
  20. peter parker

    man b4 women

    my point is they shouldn't be flowering until they are getting less than 12 hours of light per day.....and you shouldn't be able to tell male or female until then..... and people say it can but done but i wouldn't take cuttings from a female after flowering starts.... look for the green man...