man b4 women


Well-Known Member
o.k so im on day 12 and iv got 3 males upto yet, my question is this.

males pre flower b4 females right. and my males are pretty well developed ,so does that mean the rest are gonna be females as the males show 1st and the males that have shown are very developed, so surly if there was any more males they would allready be preflowering right... i suppose i should just wait n see, but im just wondering if the males have shown and the rest will be females. and is day 12 a bit early for preflowers??? they have been on 24/7 light upto today, as of now they on 18/6. and iv topped a few plants allso.

heres a few pics of a male.

peter parker

Well-Known Member
let me get this right....the plant is 12 days old???! and flowering??? on 24/7 light????? if this is so, something aint right the plant shouldn't flower on 24/7 light when its only 12 days old. what kinda light you using?? incandescent???? thats weird man where did you get those seeds lol throw them away :P


Too many brownies
let me get this right....the plant is 12 days old???! and flowering??? on 24/7 light????? if this is so, something aint right the plant shouldn't flower on 24/7 light when its only 12 days old. what kinda light you using?? incandescent???? thats weird man where did you get those seeds lol throw them away :P
I believe he is on day 12 of flower.

Yes males do tend to show sex before females, so there is a chance the ones that have not showe their sex are females. :peace:

peter parker

Well-Known Member
but how can it be 12th day of flower when he says he just put it on 18/6 today??? they shouldn't flower on 24/7 light

look how small that plant is why would you want to flower anyways??


Well-Known Member
its probably the first signs of secondary growth if you are on day 12 after breaking soil.


Well-Known Member
yes it is confusing, day 12?

well its true, iv either stressed em to males or they just enjoyed the extra light... god knows how i got 3 males on day 12 but i did.the others aint actually showing any signs of preflowers yet, just 1 with very tiny lumps at the bud site, i checked again today and still no growth . no females either, but thankfully no males yet.

my temps have been o.k around 25-27c on - 15- 20c off. but i did have my temps a little too high to start wiv, over 30c ,maybe that stressed the 3 into males i dunno, maybe it got too cold at sum point, i have noticed a slight purple tinge to them all exept 1 so maybe they got a bit cold..

well all i can do is wait n see i guess, if i get more males il post up pics asap.

this could turn out a disaster cuz of bagseed ...

if so, il just have to start again or take cuttings offa female if i get 1.

anyways, tommorow is payday so i might go buy sum mandala hashberrys . wat u rekon ,i started em b4 but got busted so they never got smoked but i did start to flower em and they was looking nice n crystally so i might give em another shot, with a pack of speedqueens or k2 to boot.

if i get 1 good female i could take cuttings right and veg the mother and cuttings till flowering them all??? but wat age can u take cuttings, i think as soon as theres cuttings to take right?

peter parker

Well-Known Member
well you can't tell a female until it starts to show which should be pre-flower stage. and once it is in this stage taking cuttings would just stress her out more. and putting her back into veg is more stress also. what u should do is grow the plant until it is at least over 12" then take a cutting or two or three if it can handle that many.... then try to flower one and keep the rest in veg... if the cutting in flowering turns into a male kill all those plants and chuck em... if its a female then the one you took the cutting from is female and you have a mother plant, and a few in veg...just me but i wouldn't flower a 8" plant 2 weeks into its life and then take cuttings if it turns out to be female??? like wtf.... i think you need to read some more on growing marijuana IMO..


Well-Known Member
nah, i dont mean to flower it (unless you have too) i men to keep the females in vegg until old enough to take cuttings from and then flower the lot, mothers n cuttings at the same in theroy i would just be vegging for a bit longer and would get a bigger yield from the mothers, and the cuttings would just vegg normally while the mothers vegg along side. but iv never done cuttings and i dont know too much about it so yeah i do need to read up about it b4 i do it.

also at present im only in 1 room for vegging and flowering.

but thats also about to change as iv got room for 3 rooms, 1 nursery / 1 vegg / 1 flower.

but for this time round just the 1 room.

as long as im correct in my methods then i shouldnt have any probs right.

i think wat you thought i was saying is that i would flower to find out if they was females or males then take cuttings. then send back to vegg which would stress the mothers.and then flower after a 4 week veg, therfore having a big mother and cuttings vegging and flowering at the same time..

i think id better do some reading . but i think iv got the basicv adiea as to wat i want to do.

1.get pre flowers on 18/6

2. take cuttings offa females

3. vegg the lot for another 4-6 week

4. flower the lot

5. harvest the lot

or i could just start over again with a decent bag of mandalas instead of taking chances with bagseeds...

also how can i vegg a plant without it showing preflowers. and has my plant shown pre flowers or flowers at 12 days.

if its actually shown flowers and not pre flowers then theres sum reason why. other than it being a natural happening right. i.e stress

i think they are the flowers to be honest as they was in clusters and plenty of em. pre flowers are just the 1 sack init?

i dunno, i should never ov botherd with bagseed from a plant that had been heavily seeded in the 1st place, then i wouldnt have this crap. but iv done bagseeds b4 n got 100% fems and a gr8 yeilder. but this time my gut feelings are telling me, im dealing with crap. so i might go buy sum seeds tommorow n crack on again...

peter parker

Well-Known Member
my point is they shouldn't be flowering until they are getting less than 12 hours of light per day.....and you shouldn't be able to tell male or female until then..... and people say it can but done but i wouldn't take cuttings from a female after flowering starts.... look for the green man video on these forums it explains alot .......


Well-Known Member
yeah i seen that mr green grows chronic vid. well my understanding is that to take cuttings you need to have cuttings to take, thus the plant should be mature enough. wat confuses me is that for the plant to be mature enough means pre flowers must have happend. ie u know wat your taking m/f. so as long as i havent started to flower i can take cuttings if mature enough. anyway i think il take another look at that vid just to get the basics down so i dont screw everything up.

i think my plan was to take cuttings as soon as i had a female to take cuttings from, but to get a decent amount of cuttings i will need to vegg for a while longer, during which i may as well start a pack of seeds off then take cuttings from the origional mothers and then send the lot into flower once my seeds have pre flowerd. that would work right, but i will have to wait a while for the mothers to mature??? and then i could make a seperate room to veg out my cuttings and take cuttings off everyplant i have now and find out wat sex they are that way then take cuttings, like on the dvd mr green.

i want to take the quikest route if possible, which to me is as follows.

1. vegg my plants for another 2-4 weeks till i can take cuttings
by which time i will of leeched the males

2. veg the mothers and the cuttings for another moon
hence a bigger mother for extra yield.

3. send the mothers/cuttings into flower

does this seem plausable...

also if my plant has pre flowerd is it too late to take cuttings. if so then how can i take cuttings at all. because all plants pre flower right. so u should take cuttings b4 pre flowers??? but then how do u get a decent sized mother without it growing pre flowers. i thought pre flowers happend without a light cycle???

anyway sod it, il get more info on cuttings then decide wat to do. thanx


Too many brownies
my point is they shouldn't be flowering until they are getting less than 12 hours of light per day.....and you shouldn't be able to tell male or female until then..... and people say it can but done but i wouldn't take cuttings from a female after flowering starts.... look for the green man video on these forums it explains alot .......
theres a few auto flowering strains ya know...and he is growing bagseed.

He can take cutting from a mother plant......he wouldnt be flowering the plant he is taking clones of.....and even if he did he could still veg it for a bit afterwards and then flower it and it would have a ton of bud sites.

Yes when plants reach maturity they will show their sex in 24/0 alot of the time, but not always.


Well-Known Member
kool so i can do wat i was gonna do then and if i train the mothers and topp or fim em i could end up with pleanty of bud sites i might even scrog the mothers to maximies the yield. but i stil cant understand how i got males after only day 12 but maybe those 3 were fast maturers either that or they got stressed from either temps or transplants. well just av to wait n find out


Well-Known Member
yeah i want to do a scrog iv got the net offa babys cot so i could do a couple of plants under it i guess. maybe even the mothers would do nicley.then i could veg out my cuttings while i train up my scrog. but i dunno about useing a mother s for a scrog? anybody scrogged a mother b4?