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  1. TatickX

    Nutes in Soil

    what does nute in soil look like? and can I take them out? if not can I run water through the soil to get the nutes out and if so how hot does the water ahve to be?
  2. TatickX

    Cfl light question???

    Seeding / Cloneing = 10w Cool White CFL light bulb Veg = at least 60w per plant but increase the amount of light for your plant by the hight and growth
  3. TatickX

    Anyone Addicted?

    I am addicted to music and growing weed to sell and coffee
  4. TatickX

    Can i use the same nutes?

    You might be able to but the results might be crap
  5. TatickX

    Help with my StealthBoxV1.0 [Looking for advance growers]

    Rootech is an rooting agent, I rooted a clone that has about 3mm roots already on day 4 in water
  6. TatickX

    Yay or nay for Miracle grow

    yea but I am using Nurseryland nutes but I have red the directions on MG nutes and well I find that now my plants are 3 months old (fed them 1/4 strength today and fed them on feb 15th [the first fed I did]) and I find that some of my leafs look like they are getting the nutes sucked out of them...
  7. TatickX

    Yay or nay for Miracle grow

    the longer you grow your plants in the soil then the nutes that are in MG soil will go away over time but you might be able to flush the nuts out of the MG soil before you sue it
  8. TatickX

    Yay or nay for Miracle grow

    I am using MG Soil and its working perfectly fine for me and for MG food it works awsome to for what my setup is
  9. TatickX

    I have yet to see this answered anywhere

    my plants have growen alot and I am only using 55w of CFL for 1 week and they have growin about 1cm but they also have alot more branches forming
  10. TatickX

    Help with my StealthBoxV1.0 [Looking for advance growers]

    my suply box contains CFL lights Soil Rootech Pots Pot Bottoms 20-20-20 plant food
  11. TatickX

    Budding question

    my roof hight is 7 feet high and my light is on 24/0
  12. TatickX

    Budding question

    actuly none of my plants are topped, they still growing like crazy
  13. TatickX

    Budding question

    oh cool thanks man might try to get it to 10cm before kicking it to see what its like before I kick any other ones
  14. TatickX

    Help with my StealthBoxV1.0 [Looking for advance growers]

    1 if your starting stick with CFL lights Rooting agent I would go with Rootech food I would get 20-20-20 I might go with a powerbar so that you can run up to 9 to 10 things at once on 1 plug
  15. TatickX

    Brown Spots on 1 leaf

    I dk, I'm just starting out pretty much but gona try to get a scale next month on p-day so that I can weigh how much food I am giving them, PH should be fine though because we have fish here and we tested the HP and it was at the perfect level
  16. TatickX

    Getting the most

    how do you make oil the easy way?
  17. TatickX

    Budding question

    I love your StarBucks coffee jar btw:bigjoint:
  18. TatickX

    Budding question

    but I know its a female when my friend was cloning his plants
  19. TatickX

    Harvest Question

    aaa, but I still say clone it before I kick it to make sure that I still have plants
  20. TatickX

    Budding question

    well my plants are all female clones so they have been showing their sex for at least 2 months now and I have the light on 24/0