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    Tying Down Vs. Super Cropping?

    I personaly like tieing down...........i super croped all my plants this year and they get wide open sores and ended up pulling the branches back up to where they were in the first place. I tied on down and it seems to be lovin life
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    BC Med Grow. Kush, Blueberry, Jack h

    we lost one small one to deer .............but they dont seem to like the older plants
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    BC Med Grow. Kush, Blueberry, Jack h

    Well i just got back from my buddies house and we spent the better part of an hour spreading out some tops in his glory hole. What a difference between live soil and potting soil. These plants were the same batch of clones and where transplanted the same day as mine and we used the same...
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    BC Med Grow. Kush, Blueberry, Jack h

    and its hard to believe the blueberry is 3 weeks behind the others..........she is strong!!!!!
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    BC Med Grow. Kush, Blueberry, Jack h

    Thanks guys.........we do need the rain and definatly not the lightning. Theres so much more growing intreted to see what i pull off them aswell.
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    BC Med Grow. Kush, Blueberry, Jack h

    Im switching to GH floralious for the rest of the veg stage.........i was using maxi grow up until i smoked some weed that was grown with it and i didnt like how it tasted. I figure what the hell, i might aswell use maxi for one plant just to see for myself the difference. Blue berry in the...
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    BC seed king......4 day delivery!!!!!

    To my house in 4 days................very impressed!! 100% germanation rate. Not sure the sex ratio but ill post up my full results start to far so good :mrgreen:
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    BC Med Grow....Kush, Blueberry, jack h

    :mrgreen: i love my new garden bongsmilie link below
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    BC Med Grow. Kush, Blueberry, Jack h

    After a work related injury i started using to deal with the pain. I finally got myself legal after 10 years of breaking the stupidest fuckin law of the history of north america. Now i get to grow the way nature inteded..............outside :mrgreen: The strains are kinda mysterys some what...
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    Some Good News!

    and you wont like it either when the corps get there hands on it and geneticly alter the strains so they spread the polen across the country and they own the gene patain on all the dope in the states...........just like they did with soy beans........sueing people for there farms and livly hoodse
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    Some Good News!

    It sounds nice and dandy but there are huge flaws in that. It should be the same as smoking..............same rules across the country, then there will be no trafficing. The way they wanna do it people will still make money illegaly on it. Then and only then can you say your country is free of...
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    Pruning Fan Leaves one has any imput? Or prefrences?
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    Pruning Fan Leaves

    This seems to be a mixed topic............some guys like to clip everyone off some say dont clip any thing off. Im growing kush outdoor and i have been salectivly pruning the fan leafs that are shading the other tops. Ive bent over the main stock 90 degrees to the ground and all the branchs are...
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    folair spray

    awsome..........thanks a bunch for takin the time to wright that. Im heading to the store today . cheers
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    Beware of the Boot Print Bandit

    Move them if they are in good shape..............and hope you find a better spot. I just had this happen this year .....exact situation. One plant missing and our water jugs where thrown in the middle of the garden. The plants werent worth all the work to move them so we started from fresh and...
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    folair spray

    how often and how much should i use it outdoors. We have a few sickly bush babies just alittle stunted from being put out to early. And any suggestions on product to spray. Im just useing maxi grow and flourish in veg.......they where put out may 24th.
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    Lets talk breeding!!!

    anyone have a good thread i could look having trouble sifting threw all the crap threads
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    Will this plant survive?

    waist of time and NPK
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    Could weed become legal? Bill would lift federal restrictions on marijuana

    the sad part is they know they are doing the wrong thing by keeping it illegal. They are to worried about fall out from the big wigs that pull the strings. If legal the amount of jobs lost in law inforcement and corections would be stagering. You know damn well they dont wanna deal with that as...