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  1. M

    planning on doing an outdoor autoflower grow any suggestions?

    what do i really need in order to do a successful autoflower grow. i know its a little cold but i live in southern california. should i protect them from the cold when they are small or something. im thinking of getting the seeds online because none of my seed people can get a hold of autoflower...
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    wanting to make a homemade bug repellent

    sort of guerilla but its in my backyard i just have to keep it out of view from people walking on the trail that goes past there. My makeshift greenhouse keeps the aphids off them and will keep the ghoppers from getting at it in the spring and summer but those damn ugly little caterpillers still...
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    wanting to make a homemade bug repellent

    kind of broke atm so im kind of looking for a home remedy. would the garlic do what i need? can planting some in with the plants help too? im kinda leaning on garlic because it sounds safe.
  4. M

    wanting to make a homemade bug repellent

    I need something that will protect my buds from caterpillers, aphids and grasshoppers(grasshoppers arent around now but they are in the late spring and summer and they are annoying and ugly!) I was thinking of using garlic or tobacco tea and spray it on my buds but i wanted to know if they were...
  5. M

    mold or what on leaves is it bad for the buds?

    ya it definatly looks like mold i dont see any other signs that could make it spider mites. the back of the leaf has the mold spots In the same place where it is on the top. i probably will prune them in a bit. thanks.
  6. M

    mold or what on leaves is it bad for the buds?

    thats pretty much my question. it used to be really humid sometimes in the greenhouse but now i fixed that. pictures are worth a thousand words so heres a few. other than that my bud looks awesome to me.
  7. M

    white mold in soil under t5's how do i make it go away?

    actually mine is kinda powdery too. it dies out when it dries but then it come back a day after watering it. so it there really no problem, will it hurt the plant? or should i just get some neem oil at the grow shop? my grow room is temp is 72F and 52% humidity and my plants are about a month old.
  8. M

    white mold in soil under t5's how do i make it go away?

    im using mendo mix im actually about to go get a thermomater but it seems kinda room temp in there. ive heard that using hydrogen peroxide did stuff for plants like that but wouldnt that kill the good bacteria in the soil too? and how could the mold be beneficial?
  9. M

    white mold in soil under t5's how do i make it go away?

    I did some reasearch and i think i might need more heat which im not getting off my lights t5 lights though im sure im getting enough light. how would i add more heat to my grow room or do i need to? would this kill the spores? Also what would the mold do if i didnt do a thing about it? i...
  10. M

    Scrog your plant genetically?

    i ment breed it by pollinating with a male is what i ment dont know if that would be worth my time. so why did my plant start to flower some under the 18/6 cycle and can i still clone it if its doing that?
  11. M

    Wanna try SCROG but lost

    oh ya that would be kinda tricky to move a scrog.
  12. M

    Wanna try SCROG but lost

    if your plants are about a foot tall then that is the best time to scrog them. you have to do it in its vegitative groth phase you can do it by topping or fim. pretty much you have a 1" holed net or wire that goes over the plants and you train the plant to grow thourgh the net and you force it...
  13. M

    Scrog your plant genetically?

    So i hope that caught your attention. I have this one plant that mutated or something and grows like a plant that would be topped but i know it is most definatly isnt. Its been like that since it was a seedling and it just keeps growing out two heads everytime. should i clone it or breed it or...
  14. M

    bugged crop still useful for making hash? let me know quick plz.

    Well i got some damaged buds due to some bugs and i was wondering if it would still be good enough to make hash. I got trimmings too so i thought the buds would be a nice addition if it was ok to use bugged bud to make hash.
  15. M

    Bud turning sick looking and brown and its spreading help!

    its outdoor. i dont know why it would be the humidity its useally pretty dry around here. I cut it off and im keeping an eye on it to see if i need mold spray. whats the likelyness that it will come back without the spray?
  16. M

    Bud turning sick looking and brown and its spreading help!

    So like the title its brown, sick and its spread even more since i took that picture. what is it? should i just cut it off and itll be ok? its just on this top cola.
  17. M

    how to stop clones from turning yellow

    ya wow nice pics i think i might try DWC again its easy to set up and i got results from them. so should i use a cloning solution in the water when i do that and/or maybe some ph down with that? would that make them not yellow?
  18. M

    how to stop clones from turning yellow

    ya i knew that the yellowing is normal but to vend they need to be all green for appreance reasons for people will buy them. Thats what an employee told me. right now im using coco fiber cubes that come in the 50 slot tray things (they arent in any hydro system). But ive done DWC in the past...
  19. M

    how to stop clones from turning yellow

    well the title explains it all. I want to root despensary grade clones and they cant have any yellowing if im going to vend them. Right now im using one of those 50 slot trays from a hydro store to root them and the clones get yellow on them. i had better luck with DWC and got like no yellow or...
  20. M

    T8 lighting question

    Doh! forgot the pics here they are