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  1. Trying2grow

    Should i trim the bottom 1/3'd now..(lollipop them)

    Ok so I'm growing 3 delicious critical neville haze there all around 15 inchs all have been topped twice (4tops) and are close to 6 weeks old was thinking to lollipop them then wait the week so they can recover then switch the light from 400W-MH to 400W-HPS and go to 12/12 too start the 100day...
  2. Trying2grow

    Looking for pictures of a fully grown twice topped marijuana plant

    Ya. I know ill have 4 main colas but my biggest question more or less was will it be able to stand alone or am I gonna have to use like long strips of wood to support it ..was really hoping for pics of a 4 cola'd plant fully grown so I can know more or less what to expect viisually
  3. Trying2grow

    Looking for pictures of a fully grown twice topped marijuana plant

    im in the process of growing 3 delicious neville haze plants.. i just topped them for the 2nd time (4 tops per plant) what are some of the things i have to know about growing topped plants.. and do they need extra support? ... and if anyone has any pictures i'd be very happy to look at them too...
  4. Trying2grow

    What Are The Brown Balls Over Soil

    Looking too see what the brown balls that go over the soil are... or if they are a soil them selfs ... the reason i ask is because got a lot of little bugs flying around my grow closet and i know they grow in the soil.. looking for something to cover the soil so this will be less of an issue ...
  5. Trying2grow

    Need help with water run off... Drawing a complete blank plz help

    Well none of those would work either... Cuz once they go into the smart pots I don't take them out of the room I water them where they sit... So how ...if I use a litter box would I get it out... Blahhh not sure u guys are understanding what I'm getting at here ... Growing in the closet makes it...
  6. Trying2grow

    Need help with water run off... Drawing a complete blank plz help

    OK so if you look underneath my plants.. you can see the towel i use .. the problem im running into is that im using my closet to grow.. i have no idea in my mind how to efficiantly catch run off ... the towel works for now.. i guess.. but there's the huge issue of mold.. and many other issues...
  7. Trying2grow

    How am i doing so far tips and advice appreciated

    And what would be a suitable over flow catcher... That's one of the main issues I've fun into its hard ...specially when they get big .. not quite sure what too use... Any advice?
  8. Trying2grow

    How am i doing so far tips and advice appreciated

    Lmao I am quite lacking in the knowledge of LST I know its light stress training.. or atleast I think but how would I do it ? The 2 new sprouts(the new tops) when they grow out tie them down too the pot? What exactly does it do? Like are my plants able to be LST'd right now? Not sure about this...
  9. Trying2grow

    How am i doing so far tips and advice appreciated

    Ok I got a humidity/thermometer combo with a movable sensor ill put it on the pots and check there... Now putting the light closer will stop the stretch?? I'm guessing now another question ... How long should I wait b4 topping again was looking to do a double top per plant..
  10. Trying2grow

    How am i doing so far tips and advice appreciated

    Okay... I've been keeping the light @ 18" how far from canopy do u think I should move it??? Like 12? 16?
  11. Trying2grow

    How am i doing so far tips and advice appreciated

    And those are 1/2 gallon pots went too them after the solo cups gonna transplant into the 5gallon smarts either end of this week or middle of next week. This is my 2nd grow but first time using non bagged seeds.. using the general hydroponics flora grow/bloom/mico nute sched
  12. Trying2grow

    How am i doing so far tips and advice appreciated

    ok so here goes... running a 400W MH right now gonna switch to HPS when i go 12/12 im 4 weeks in with 3 delicious neville haze plants just topped them a few days ago got pics of all 3 plants and the tops of each of them ... just looking for boats of confidence as to how they look and if you...
  13. Trying2grow

    Why are the bottom leafs of my 3.5 week old plants turning yellow???

    Yea I definitely do not want that too happen... Prob gonna transplant them into the 5gal. Smart pots this weekend.. just gotta head too the store and grab some perlite... Just wanna give it some time to root the soil so when I pull them out 90% of the soil doesn't fall off
  14. Trying2grow

    Why are the bottom leafs of my 3.5 week old plants turning yellow???

    They've been in them nowwwwww for 5 days ... And ya ur right they will be chopped a.s.a.p lol
  15. Trying2grow

    Why are the bottom leafs of my 3.5 week old plants turning yellow???

    (sorry for the long response was away for the weekend) yea i was thinking the same thing.. thanks
  16. Trying2grow

    Why are the bottom leafs of my 3.5 week old plants turning yellow???

    (sorry for the long response was away for the weekend) yea im using the fox farm ocean fresh soil with a 3/1 perlite mix .. and i was going to transplant them next weekend into the 5 gallon smart pots already have them guessing after reading all the comments i shoulda just went from solo cup to...
  17. Trying2grow

    Why are the bottom leafs of my 3.5 week old plants turning yellow???

    (sorry for the long response was away for the weekend) I transplanted them from solo cups into these 1/2 gallon pots last weekend... i find it hard to believe they'd be root bound after 1 week... i have 5 Gallon smart pots they'll be going into was planning to transplant them prob next weekend
  18. Trying2grow

    Why are the bottom leafs of my 3.5 week old plants turning yellow???

    (sorry for the long response was away for the weekend) Im using a 400W MH its 18" away from the top of the plant been keeping it at that point the entire growth
  19. Trying2grow

    Why are the bottom leafs of my 3.5 week old plants turning yellow???

    any particular type i should be looking for for higher nitrogen feed?
  20. Trying2grow

    Why are the bottom leafs of my 3.5 week old plants turning yellow???

    Now how does one go about adding "a little extra nitrogen"?