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  1. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    Oof, I figured I was fine as long as I stayed under the recommended feeding levels on GH's feeding schedule. Ever since the issue started, I haven't been feeding. Back down to 300 ppm (still haven't gotten an EC meter :oops:), but I believe this is under 3ml/gal. I've also only added silica...
  2. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    Definitely wasn't trying to pick a fight! Lol :hug: I appreciate hearing your opinion about it, interested enough to consider trying a sterile res. Ill probably be taking a short break from growing the next time I run into any potentially-fatal issues, so ill maybe try it after then! So far...
  3. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    I honestly haven't tried running a sterile res, still in my first year since switching to hydro, and I also was never that great at soil.. I chose to go the bennies route because I didn't have a chiller when I started and was worried about higher temps than 65F. It's been good so far, but I...
  4. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    I went less b.c I read how slime could get out of hand in less-than-perfect conditions and that I should go a little light. Was shooting for half strength, but it ended up being more like 3ml and not 4ml Due for a res change, so I'll add full strength to the new res tomo
  5. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    Appreciate your taking the time to explain.. helps me wrap my head around all this I'd like to thank you all who recommended hygrozyme! I added 3mL/gal (about 25mL total) about 24 hours ago, and I'm already seeing new root growth. In fact, I haven't seen roots grow so LONG in such a short...
  6. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    (Just because I'm curious) lower temps slow down microbes, good and bad?
  7. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    I've had water temp at 62 for the last few days; except for slower growth at lower temps, are there any other issues with keeping the res cooler? Or should i go back up to 65? Couldn't find a definitive answer about this online. Could also post pics later tonight, the plant has stayed about the...
  8. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    Ok, I'll work on diluting the nute levels for now. Also added another dose of hydroguard and myco, figured it wouldn't hurt. I do see that a portion of the roots are white, and another portion is pretty brown.. leaves are looking worse. Funny thing is, the other plant is looking pretty good...
  9. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    Cool, I've heard about hygrozyme, I'll order some now. I like how trying to minimize the number of different nutes/supplements has backfired tremendously lol, got like 8 different bottles already
  10. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    I last refilled the res a little over a week ago at 6ml/gal. Ive prob added about half a gallon of plain water, so it's a little less now I guess Edit: got about 14 gallons in the tub total
  11. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    Also, are plants generally able to fight root pathogens off?
  12. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    Thank you all! All makes sense, that it's a root issue. The plant in question has gotten worse; is it even worth trying to save the other plant? Like, should I try removing this problem plant? Other leaves on the affected plant have begun to show the same issues - getting thinner, flimsy, and...
  13. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    Thanks for the tip, just went ahead and lowered my chiller down a few degrees (now set at 64F, which should get the res to 65 by tomorrow). Using a cooling coil (wort chiller) that's sitting in the res. The affected leaves have gotten worse, but it doesn't look like it's spread to any new...
  14. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    Thanks! I definitely need it... The brown color's from the nutes, so I then realize it's hard to tell whether I have other root issues causing further browning. It's the GH flora nova bloom, the stuff is dark
  15. chasingwaterfalls

    No idea what's going on with these leaves

    Hi all, I got a set of leaves from one node on a plant looking funky; some of the leaves have curled and crisped up, and there's a few leaves with a light discoloring. these discolored areas also feel thinner but softer, like velvet. sorry all, I'm a bit high, this might be...
  16. chasingwaterfalls


    If it's helpful for anyone for me to share (my mistakes), this is what my roots looked like at harvest. I kept water levels about 6" below netpots - no real reason, just because. I believe these thick cords aren't helpful at all. But I now know that keeping the water level high and...
  17. chasingwaterfalls

    Changing lighting times

    I'm curious, too.. would the auto be completely unaffected by light change, like a week of 24 hours, then a week of 12, etc.?
  18. chasingwaterfalls

    Hydro root tangling help!

    Are these from seed? Could it just be a slightly different pheno and a late bloomer? Slight tangle of roots could be coincidence I had 1 plant out of 3 (same strain, grand daddy purp) look like crap in the beginning, esp compared to the other 2. It's turned out to be a different kind of plant...
  19. chasingwaterfalls

    Why all the arguments over LED vs HPS ?

    I'm currently looking into purchasing my next light. I see no reason to move on from LED, but I do think blurple was a passing fad