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  1. idol

    First organic grow?? Help!!!

    My plants are 70 days old and I want to know if what I am doing is right. The soil is 1/3 worm shit and 2/3 pet mos, they are going well. Im watering every 2 - 3 days. is there ani thing els I should do? Are my plants going to be ok? should I use any ferts. if yes, wich one? I think they are...
  2. idol

    100% Legal bud

    It is try it doesn't work on some people. The thing I love the most about salvia is that it creates negative tolerance, so after a wild you can get a 20 min trip on one puff. it is worth a few tries, use a 20x extract and mix it with hash. With me it didn't work for the first 4 ore 5 times that...
  3. idol

    Outdoor lighting questions

    good luck man, I wish you the best. isent it too cold? are you using ani nuts?
  4. idol

    Outdoor lighting questions

    i had a similar setup and it worked good. they just have to get light even if it is not direct. (probably your plants will grow taller). ¿what month are you planting?
  5. idol

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    it souns sik. bot it isent, urine is as natural as every other shit we guive to hour babies. havent any one ben thru first grade, pee and poo are the key ingedient in the natural nitrogen cicle. no mater where it comes from. it is steel pee and it is every thing a plant needs because it contains...
  6. idol

    Lemon Juice to decrease pH?

    I have tried lemon juice and it dident work owt. it whas probabely because I over used it. but the best thing you can do to deal with ph is to get an organic buffer. they kep the ph constant and they are the best. once you aplie it one time you wount have to worry about your ph for about 2...
  7. idol

    100% Legal bud

    Dud, salvia divinorum is no legal bud, (it has no thing to do with marijuana) it is the most potent natural halucinogenic known to man. In hier doses it can tacke you furder than a lsd over dose (you cant get OD with salvia). NOT TO BE TAKEN LITELY. it can tacke you to hell, then to heven, then...
  8. idol

    What About Liquor?

    Sory, i mean THC.
  9. idol

    What About Liquor?

    HTC is soluble in ethanol. If you put a few drops of it in to the water one ore two weeks before harvest, you will increase the potency of the bud because the HTC in the leafs and the rest of the plant gets carried to the bud. (More HTC = more resin = better stuff)