Outdoor lighting questions


Active Member
I'm wondering if i can get away with indirect sunlight or if the plants need the sun directly on them most of the day... theres a small section of the growing area surrounded by trees pine/cypress and my plant/cage would be better camouflaged if it were nestled between them

In the first image you can see that area in the trees that the light hits. my rusty old cage would fit great in there and there would

My plant would only really receive about 3 or 4 hours of direct sunlight/day

Also off topic im wondering if plants outside of cages would be subject to some sort of ir cameras on helicopters and would be easily spotted?



Active Member
i had a similar setup and it worked good. they just have to get light even if it is not direct. (probably your plants will grow taller).
¿what month are you planting?


Active Member
late this month

I have another area in mind that is totally secluded but getting into it during the day unnoticed would be an issue