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  1. comed

    Problem with aeroponic strawberries with pics

    It is best to buy bare roots, most garden centers/mega marts/home improvement centers will have them. roots are usually at a minimum 1year old.
  2. comed

    Stretched Seedlings

    slow down as in it would want to veg longer, i wouldn't worry about it unless you are looking to do cola spikes (small plants with just main cola and no other branches) - usually around 1-1.5ft tall. sometimes referred to as Sea of green (not to be confused with Screen of green) such as this:
  3. comed

    Leaves with White and Brown spots

    Great to hear! and thanks for finishing your updates on post. most never respond on what helped.
  4. comed

    T5 or CFL Or straight to MH

    you have to get creative with CFL setups to maximize them. I used a large plastic bowl - upside down- with air holes drilled in rim of the bowl, fan hole and fan on top to suck out old hot air, and cfl's placed around interior, Kind-of like a perm machine at salon only this was a grow machine...
  5. comed

    Black mold? Help!

    not that it helps much now but...
  6. comed

    messed up transplant

    should recover, just baby it - lots of care and attention. worse comes to worse you can slice it up and clone the parts.
  7. comed

    how long to wait???

    with ocean forest you shouldn't need any nutes in veg (depending on the plant type and genetics) only if you see signs that it needs nutes would I give it any in FFOF, (while in veg)
  8. comed

    Yellow top leaves, sukphur defiicency? please help ;/

    the nute burn, if you do have any, also depends on what is already in the soil. i would say heat is the main issue. what doesn't kill them makes you stronger, lol, thats why i like growing - 10yrs off and on and I still learn every grow. good luck and hope your babes get better.
  9. comed

    T5 or CFL Or straight to MH

    T5 average 70–104 lumens/watt as per: T5's are better for multiple plants as cfl bulbs take alot of room.
  10. comed

    T5 or CFL Or straight to MH

    more of a personal choice than anything, i have done all 3. my best results were doing pop-2weeks under cfl because I could get the cfl really close (5X 24watt per plant) made a nice compact bush with nodes about 1/4-1/2" apart. some use t5 for veg due to less heat and so you could have a veg...
  11. comed

    baby lemon skunk getting too tall!

    need pics and info (type of light, growing medium, distance to lights, temps, etc) but it sounds like too little light or light is too far away.
  12. comed

    Yellow top leaves, sukphur defiicency? please help ;/

    water schedule depends entirely on the plants, you could water more often without feeding every time. i usually feed once every week or so but water every 2-3 days, but again that is what my babes like. but 5-7 days seems like a long time between waterings
  13. comed

    Can anyone help me please ?

    i would say potassium deficiency or heat issues. just from pics.
  14. comed

    Yellow top leaves, sukphur defiicency? please help ;/

    the 2nd pic looks like the light is too close, the leaves are starting to cup upward at the edge (usually either heat or light too close) they also like a fan blowing over them for a light breeze. (was unsure about how your fans are set up) the discoloration looks more like early Zinc dificiency...
  15. comed

    50 days into flowering, 0 growth in 2 weeks?!?!?!

    Humbolt Nutrients Royal Flush is used at the end of flower and washes all salts and nutes from growing medium. WW usually has a ripen time of around 60 days or so. your flowers are just entering the last stage of flower and ripening. they will not grow much more but they will swell as they ripen.
  16. comed

    Planting directly in Smart Pots?

    you can, some people like to stage transplants feeling that the roots make better use of the soil. others do it for space savings, but you can plant directly into the large final pots from the start, but they may end up wanting more room before they are done.
  17. comed

    clone problem!

    they like to be moist but not wet, don't let them dry out. try using some humidity domes.
  18. comed

    Leaves with White and Brown spots

    I have never had the pleasure of an RO system so I would say old tap water, make sure to agitate or put a bubbler in it to improve chlorine off gas and O2 in water.
  19. comed

    Slight bubbling on leaves and some yellow spots! Please help!

    I would just wait, the damage done is done, just keep a watch to make sure it does not spread, if it does spread more than you like I would flush with water amount equal to soil.
  20. comed

    Slight mold starting on the fan leaves but....

    trim in mild lighting, light will degrade THC even after dry and cure.