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  1. Hendershot

    Nirvanas Blackjack Is Now Growing In A Tree!

    Looks hermie to me... in the third pic, about halfway down on the left, are three balls in a hairs coming out of them so I don't think they're swollen pistils..
  2. Hendershot

    2nd Loryder PC Grow

    Well since the plant's traits are leaning more toward it being a photoperiod, it would probably revert back to veg...maybe go to to 12/12 until you see pistils, then go back to 18/6. If you don't see any significant bud growth within a week, you'll have to flower under 12/12 the whole way. Where...
  3. Hendershot

    Autoflower 17W LED windowsill grow

    Looks good, man.. However, I would have her in a bigger pot. 2 gallons seem to work great. The more root space the bigger the yield. Nice view from your window..
  4. Hendershot

    2nd Loryder PC Grow

    Sometimes the auto traits aren't reliable, unfortunately. So yes, I would say it's time to induce for sure.
  5. Hendershot

    Pa Growers

    I have the luxury of a decent amount of privacy, so I start them all outside on the deck. That way, the breeze can strengthen the stems, and the sun can do it's thang waaay better than cfls. I can bring them inside if severe weather hits. I f you can't start them outside in close proximity to...
  6. Hendershot

    Nirvanas Blackjack Is Now Growing In A Tree!

    Don't think the shade thing will work my man..just give you looser buds. I'm guessing you had her inside under 20/4 or 18/6, right? after awhile outside with less daylight jumped her into flower a little early. I would just let her go on and do what she's gonna do. She knows what's best. Effin...
  7. Hendershot

    Mushroom Compost or Miracle Grow?

    I usually use Gardener's Gold organic potting soil, but due to household budget cuts nand a bigger grow this year, I can't spend $20 per c.f. I am using MG organic gardening soil, cut with sphagnum moss and perlite. My plants are loving it. Out of 28 seeds germed, 24 popped, and of those 24...
  8. Hendershot

    Pa Growers

    Sup fellas..a little late to this thread, but glad I saw it.. sw pa here. I am sooo glad I held off starting my od grow. I was almost gonna start at my usual time regardless of all the rain, thinking it was gonna stop "any day now". Got a few autos; Smurfberry, Lowboldt, Double Diesel Ryder, and...
  9. Hendershot

    2nd Loryder PC Grow

    I would stop feeding, give her a flush.. I usually don't start feeding autos til after they show sex. Since there's virtually no veg time for these plants, there's enough nutrients in the soil to get it through til flowering. But that's when I transplant to bigger pot with more fresh soil, so I...
  10. Hendershot

    Does Growing Schwag Seed=Swag Weed at the End?

    My avatar was last year's bagseed. She was 5 1/2 feet tall, yielded 2 1/2 oz, and was so dank it smelled like baby shit.
  11. Hendershot

    First Outside Grow Need Advice

    A journal is good. It helps me keep track of time, feeding schedules, etc...
  12. Hendershot

    What is Everyone Growing for Their 2011 Outdoor Grow Season?

    For my photoperiod plants, I'm doin Grapefruit, Neville's haze, Big Blue Dream,C99, and Super Skunk.. I also am doing a staggered run of AFs.. Lowboldt, Smurfberry, Kush Ryder, and Double Diesel Ryder.. Gonna be a great year!!
  13. Hendershot

    anyone grown Purple Maroc?

    Using 6 42w cfls, and 1 125w cfl. When it's nice out I'm putting her on the deck for her 12 hrs of light. I'll keep psoting her progress. Don't foresee any problems now, as long I am diligent about getting her in and out of her light/dark promptly..
  14. Hendershot

    anyone grown Purple Maroc?

    Her she is, at 7 weeks.. Had asetback though. I went in for surgery at the end of March, and while I was in my surge protector shit the bed, leaving me with no lights and no fan. Lost 2 Haze plants, my pm pulled through somehow.
  15. Hendershot

    Feminized Autoflowers Outdoors Auto Ak 47, Lemon Skunk, and Diesel Ryder

    I am growing outdoor autos this year. Lowboldt, Double Diesel Ryder, Afghan Kush Ryder, and Smurfberry. Well, prolly not the smurfberry cuz the genetics suck. 2 out of three broke soil, but are yellow and sickly. 1 actually snapped while uncurling. Gonna try a couple more in different soil, but...
  16. Hendershot

    The Art of The Auto

    Just started 12 seeds. 3 each of Lowboldt, Smurfberry, Double Diesel Ryder, and Afghan Kush Ryder. The Lowboldt and DD all came up and look great so far, but only 1 Kush broke soil, and the Smurfberry absolutely sucks balls. Two of the three broke soil, but are yellow and sickly looking. One of...
  17. Hendershot

    anyone grown Purple Maroc?

    I flowered my pm from seed. She is about 6" tall right now, and been budding for about 10 days now. Looking very healthy and starting to get some odor. Just started feeding with budnbloom(10-52-10). Will post pics when I get my camera back.
  18. Hendershot

    Guerilla Irrigation Solution

    Near a water source your main concern is gonna be pests; insects, deer, and other assorted vermin..assuming you're correct on the two-legged kind..
  19. Hendershot

    Sup, my niggas..(Just kidding, I'm whiter than Hillary Clinton)

    Seriously, I'm not racist; I just think stereotypes exist for a reason.. Don't want drama, just a useful exchange of information about my passion; growing and smoking God's gift to mankind... Not uber-religious either, but I do believe marijuana is the key to world peace...
  20. Hendershot

    Indoor To Outdoor Lighting

    I believe the sun is the best for growing anything. I have some Hazes going right now, flowered from 6". The lights are on 12/12 from 7am-7pm, and my plan is to put them outside around April 1, for 12 hours a day, for the last 50 or so days of flowering.Of course, I'll have to be diligent about...