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  1. G

    my 1st grow journal w/ pix- 6 white widow girls in a bubbleponics

    gotcha...thks for the advice... i still havent got a sprout yet...the seed did crack and i saw a tap root...but no green yet... gWeeSe
  2. G

    The Fostex Journal...1st Grow

    i agree w/ you all thay say SH sucks! ive called them several times and the guy sounds like a complete burn out! ive smoked for many years and dont come close to sounding that bad! "um yeah um that pump is out of might be here today, tomorrow, i dont know" are you fuc*in...
  3. G

    humidity level when growing in bubbleponics

    remind what a good humidity level is when i am using a hydro system?
  4. G

    my 1st grow journal w/ pix- 6 white widow girls in a bubbleponics

    doobiesnack sh told me that they had a sister company create their pdf instructions and i guess they are a lil out of date. he told me to keep the drips going 24/7 throughout the complete grow...but i might do what you suggested and just not use them when my roots get to the water. thks...
  5. G

    what is the gph from the water pump supplied w/ bubbleponics

    all you have the sh bubbleponics system.... what is the gph for the water pump they supplied? they gave me a ViaAqua-480 which moves about 130 gph. I am not getting a good flow out of the drip tubes at all...not even close to what is advertised. i checked all my connections and each is...
  6. G

    my 1st grow journal w/ pix- 6 white widow girls in a bubbleponics

    doobiesnack i just got my bubbleponics and was reading the says once you have roots growing thru the net pots to switch the water pump/drip to 3min every did you set up your timer to do this??? i could only get my timer to come on 14 times in a 24hr period? can you...
  7. G

    timer settings for water pump - 3min/1hr

    how did you get all that to work on a regular have it set to come on every hour for 3 min? i have a regular how did you do this...wouldnt you have alot of those plug thingies to have it at 3min every hour? my timer didnt have enough plugs do this plus they would be too...
  8. G

    timer settings for water pump - 3min/1hr

    wait i just noticed what you asked...i am needing to know how to set the water pump to 3min/1hr not the air are right the air pump is always 24/7
  9. G

    timer settings for water pump - 3min/1hr

    you are supposed to keep it at 24/7 until your roots start growing out of the net pots and start hitting the water in the res. at least this is what it says
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    timer settings for water pump - 3min/1hr

    thats what the instructions say to do....are you using a bubbleponics?
  11. G

    timer settings for water pump - 3min/1hr

    i have a bubbleponics system i just got in the mail...trying to set everyhting up...i cant figure out how to set my digital timer to turn on the pump for 3 min every hour - 24/7. I could only get the timer to switch on 14 times in a 24hr period. does anyone know a way to do this? what timers...
  12. G

    my 1st grow journal w/ pix- 6 white widow girls in a bubbleponics

    I just wanted to clarify something in this post above. You say you are using the HPS for veggie, and MH for flowering. If this is true, you have it as backwards...MH is for vegging and HPS is for flowering. Im guessing you just typed wrong and you already know this....hopefully. good luck...
  13. G


    yes. 95% of any bag weed is hermie weed
  14. G

    what would happen if i did this?

    yep. i have a switchable ballast. eventually i might get a separate 175w mh like cjsesh00....but for now i will just stick w/ the hps. thanks for the comments
  15. G

    aquarium co2 generator

    has anyone ever used a aquarium co2 generator in their bubbleponics system? if yes, did it improve results?
  16. G

    what would happen if i did this?

    what would happen if i switched to an MH lamp from an HPS, one week before harvest? would i gain crystals or anything?
  17. G

    do small seeds have trouble cracking

    hello in a really good mood right now...not only am i buzzing a lil.. i just found that my beans have arrived from a very reliable seed bank. i am a lil worried though cuz 4 out of 5 are very small. this will be my first grow, so im wondering if small seeds have trouble cracking? and...
  18. G

    should i use my real address for seed orders

    I plan on ordering some seeds from high-grade or possibly somewhere to suggestions. anyways i need some replies from people living in the US that has ordered and received seeds from an online seed bank. did you provide a P.O. box to send to, other than your real address...
  19. G

    nutes for scrog setup

    To all the pros out there, What would be a good complete nutrient kit for a scrog setup with 4 plants in a DWC hydro system? Im will be using a 250W HPS light system. Havent got the seeds yet, but i plan on going with WW. If you guys have some advice on nutes throughout the complete grow...
  20. G

    ebb & flow system with scrog set up

    I need to have easy access to the resevoir for nute chgs. Does anyone use a ebb & flow sytem with scrog and would it work sufficiently? anyone with pics onthis typw setup please post back. thks