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  1. H

    How close am I?

    It was beautiful until week 9 and slowed feeding to a crawl. I have been just adding water, no nutes.
  2. H

    How close am I?

    I’m past 9 weeks of flower, why are they worrisome?
  3. H

    How close am I?

  4. H

    How much longer to harvest

    I know it’s not ready, I’m going into week 9, but how many more weeks should I expect?
  5. H


    Awesome. Thank you
  6. H


    Have you seen a plant sag during flowering? My outside limbs are starting to lean out as if it might have too much weight.
  7. H

    Light burn?

    Hell yeah. But it’s going well. Too well. Lol
  8. H

    Light burn?

    I hit 800-900ppm replenish water for 2 days and drops to 500ish, then I add nutes. Week 5 flower.
  9. H

    Light burn?

    What does this look like? Just on the canopy leaves, none down below.
  10. H

    4vs Timber vs REDWOOD VS ( TIMBER )

    I have 1 4VS now and I will just add another 4VS for equal coverage. You can always adjust the output to match the coverage.
  11. H

    Nutes and gloves

    Ya it feels like super glue does on your skin. I’m careful with that shit.
  12. H

    Nutes and gloves

    Their was a lady on Instagram that was mixing mediums using guano and inhaled some while doing it and had a nasty respiratory infection.
  13. H

    How close can you get to your light?

    I run Timber Cobs and I’m 9” away at my closet point. I’m 25 days into flowering.
  14. H

    Tent dehumidifier

    Hits 60’s sometimes. I was looking for a small dehumidifier just to keep it lower during flowering.
  15. H

    Tent dehumidifier

    I have a AC infinity and it’s running now constantly, but the RH goes up and down. Nothing too crazy, just looking for a little help.
  16. H

    Tent dehumidifier

    I tried that and it seems it’s not strong enough to pull moisture through the tent from the outside. I would assume the plant and hydro water is causing the humidity.
  17. H

    Tent dehumidifier

    What do you guys run for a small dehumidifier with a digital control?
  18. H

    Nutes and gloves

    I looked up the MDS on my nutes (General Hydroponics). Seems generally safe, but I will start wearing gloves. lol
  19. H

    Nutes and gloves

    Yeah I use a dropper, sometimes you get goop on the side of the bottle and gets on my hand.
  20. H

    Nutes and gloves

    Do you guys wear gloves while adding nutes? I seem to not, but always think after I should. Of course I wash my hands after.