Nutes and gloves


Active Member
Do you guys wear gloves while adding nutes? I seem to not, but always think after I should. Of course I wash my hands after.


Well-Known Member
Not for just nutes, but when I get into insecticides and such I not only wear gloves, but a long sleeve shirt, as per manufacturer recommendations. Even some of the organic stuff, like Regalia, says to wear gloves and long sleeves, and a mask.


Well-Known Member
30+ years of growing with GH 3 Part and I never used gloves. I would think eye wear would be more important just in the off chance you get a splash.

I had that happen once with pH down buffer and I was glad I was wearing my method 7's.


Well-Known Member
Some dry Nutes ( Megacrop ) can throw a plume when you open a bag. Also it would be extremely wise to mask up when messing with perlite. And of course read the god damn labels on ANY INSECTICIDE for precautionary statements.


Well-Known Member
30+ years of growing with GH 3 Part and I never used gloves. I would think eye wear would be more important just in the off chance you get a splash.

I had that happen once with pH down buffer and I was glad I was wearing my method 7's.
Most people dont realize how powerful ph liquids are...

I have to wear a mask when top dressing dry organic fert. Shits nasty.


Well-Known Member
I have never worn gloves around nutrients and pH up or down and have dropped them on myself thousands of times, never a problem. I would be much more worried about the stuff they sell for human consumption rather than a drop or two on your hands. Skin....does an amazing job.


Active Member
Their was a lady on Instagram that was mixing mediums using guano and inhaled some while doing it and had a nasty respiratory infection.


Well-Known Member
if your using a high concentration of phos acid u prob do wanna use some gloves that shit hurts I think I got 85% then brought it down to 60ish but that still burns like a bitch if u get it on skin so u should wear gloves with certain things.


Well-Known Member
I have never worn gloves around nutrients and pH up or down and have dropped them on myself thousands of times, never a problem. I would be much more worried about the stuff they sell for human consumption rather than a drop or two on your hands. Skin....does an amazing job.
Well in case you didn't know, pH down is basically, well, quite literally, battery acid. So....


Well-Known Member
Well in case you didn't know, pH down is basically, well, quite literally, battery acid. So....
It's not a big thing, just wipe it off. At least the GH brand. Doesn't hurt, burn or sting, not that I have left a puddle on my tummy to test, but as far as adding it to a Rez I would never bother wearing gloves.


Well-Known Member
Gloves are my biggest consumable. I dont even touch my plants with bare hands.
I make my own more concentrated ph up and use several different powdered additives that all say to avoid skin contact so I do.
I've noticed I get a weird rash on the back of my hands if I reach too deep and get full bloom solution inside my gloves and forget to wash my hands