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  1. Frisky Dingo

    Quick Fluorescant Question

    alright thanks. I have some cfls going now, zero heat problems. Im probably still going to put in some small pc fans.
  2. Frisky Dingo

    Quick Fluorescant Question

    I am currently vegging in a large trunk 20" x 20" x 33". With two 300 watt cfls (pics uploaded) I plan on using it just for clones, upgrading my light to a 2ft tube fluorescant. My question being should i go with a two or four tube light?
  3. Frisky Dingo

    can a peapot plant be grown with marijuana?

    my a friend of mine wants to grow a peapot plant with my girls? Would this pose a threat to my plants. this is my first time groing anything really. i just didnt know if another's plant polen or anything could mess up my crop.
  4. Frisky Dingo

    What size pots should i get?

    im growing from seed bags. i only know one of the strains is mango kush. I have 1 gallon pots im upgrading to soon. Then at 1 ft switching to the 5 gallons. so exciting their just starting to really grow fat. thanks for the advice guys
  5. Frisky Dingo

    What size pots should i get?

    k thank you, my first grow so i like to double check everything
  6. Frisky Dingo

    What size pots should i get?

    I heard somewhere that plants need a gallon for every foot of plant height. so a 2 ft plant would need at least a 2 gallon pot. is this correct? Im looking to grow my plants to 2 feet then switching to flower. I figure they could get to be 5 ft tall. Basically I'm wondering how big a pot i...
  7. Frisky Dingo

    How do you block light from windows?

    going to be going with the plywoof and panda film. Going to be growing right by the window. So i really need 100% light blocked.
  8. Frisky Dingo

    How do you block light from windows?

    thanks for the info
  9. Frisky Dingo

    How do you block light from windows?

    Working out my first setup. Growing in a room with lots of space. Going to have to deal with light from windows when i get to flowering. Would like to not have to buy a grow tent since the room is only going to be used for growing. I'm also going to be needing to block off another section of the...
  10. Frisky Dingo

    My first grow, plants doing better

    I deff would not recommend them. I made the mistake of not researching lights before i headed to the store. When i got to home depot i was pretty much lost. I grabbed an incandescant because it said grow light on it. It put off alot of heat. So i had to put it pretty far from the plant. If...
  11. Frisky Dingo

    My first grow, plants doing better

    Doing my first grow. This is my oldest and largest plant, Mango kush bag seeds. Posted pics cause i think i see the very begining of preflowers forming. Probably will be a few days before i can sex them. Just wanted to share :) This plant is actually almost a month old. It got a very slow...
  12. Frisky Dingo

    1000 watt hps+mh digital grow light air cool hood

    I have an amzon membership, when i went to checkout it still was charging for shipping. I did toally miss they contain the same things. chud was right, pretty much charges the same.
  13. Frisky Dingo

    1000 watt hps+mh digital grow light air cool hood

    thanks but it doesn't seem as good a deal. The ebay one also incles both HPS and MH bulbubs, timer and hangers. And the ebay seller ships for free. Amazon would charge $33 bucks to ship. Amazon's actually more expensive.
  14. Frisky Dingo

    1000 watt hps+mh digital grow light air cool hood

    Ive been searching for the best light, hood, ballast combo I could find. This one is looking like the best choice for me so far. It seems like alot for $330. Coming with the timer and hanger. What do you guys think? Im a little cautious buying from ebay...
  15. Frisky Dingo

    why so small?

    I would say thats pretty normal. I started my plants with a really crappy incandescant grow light. They have stretched really bad. They are about 2 weeks old, and only are just developing their second set trues leaves. You made a good choice starting with fluorescants. I just upgraded to compact...
  16. Frisky Dingo

    When to switch to veg to flower if there is plant stretch?

    k thanks for the advice guys, lights are closer and support stakes are out. We'll see how it goes.
  17. Frisky Dingo

    When to switch to veg to flower if there is plant stretch?

    yeah i deff knew they weren't ready to start flowering. Just researching I read many start flowering at a foot tall to keep them small, but I'm sure those are very bushy. My plant already being 5 inches I was nervous. I would love to grow it to two feet before flowering if it makes it.
  18. Frisky Dingo

    why so small?

    what are the basics of your setup? Like lights, medium, water, nutrients and seed. Are you growing in soil? any pics would probably help people help you.
  19. Frisky Dingo

    When to switch to veg to flower if there is plant stretch?

    well they range in age, been picking them out of my smoke stash. I haven't been keeping records but about 1 to 3 weeks i think. Here's all of them. And thanks for the imput on filling in the area with dirt. I'm going to be doing a transfer in a couple days, to better soil, ill fill in the area...
  20. Frisky Dingo

    When to switch to veg to flower if there is plant stretch?

    I currently have some babies, all ranging from 1 to 5 inches. All started from different bag seeds. There is some obvious stretching, the tallest at 5 inches, still only has two true leaves. The issue is deffinately the lights, I can't afford an HID light yet, so i had bought some crappy...