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  1. S

    Unknown clones outside since 7/17/10

    Nice plants but you did a few things wrong, since you started them late should have started them on the ground, being in a small pot during 12/12 weather which is mid augest. Roots wont grow much any more so not much u can do now but finish them up. What size are your plants right now? My od...
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    Medical marijuana, greed, money, new compliant law

    they are making it illegal soon for collectives to import meds :) greedy fucks like them make us pot growers n smokers look bad in the eyes of the city and others.
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    Medical marijuana, greed, money, new compliant law

    I was visiting a few collectives when i notice alot have stop operating or moved location, WTF! So i went home did some research and noticed a few things. 1. All herbs sold and i mean the majority! Are purchase outside the county! If u think about it no $$ really goes back to the county but...
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    Is it illegal to trade pot??

    I understand selling is illegal, however what about trading? Like trading pot for other supplies like ciggerettes and or even other strains of pot. I know most medical shops have thier own growers and probably wont be interested an other growers product but would they be willing to trade bud...
  5. S

    Outdoor kush is not stretching at all!!

    Awsome!! If i can get 2 oz of these little 15 inch runts id nut in my pants!! Was ur grow a sativa or indica? I think its safe to say the buds will be dense and compact when done which should give a bit more if urs was a sativa.
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    Outdoor kush is not stretching at all!!

    Dammit!!! Gonna be a year before i can do this again :/ do you think the Two 15 inch plant will yield well?
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    Outdoor kush is not stretching at all!!

    I also fimed all of them early on so they each have 3-4 top colas
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    Outdoor kush is not stretching at all!!

    Ok i did this experiment i wish i never did, i placed 2 plants at 6 weeks vegg and it was only 6-8 inches outside 20th july, right now one is 2-2.5 feet and the other one is 3-3.5 feet in the was in a 3 gal pot, the other in 1 gal pot. I vegg the same plant same age till augest 15 and...
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    Rootles plant 2 and a half week into bud

    My plant was accidently yanked out, it still had some roots but only enough to fill a 1 gallon pot. After foiler feeding i had it in the shade, it perked back up and resume budding. My question is should it go back in the ground or finish off in the 1 gal pot? I dont wanna waste water if the...
  10. S

    How much can i get from a small outdoor plant?

    I have a 7 week vegg old kush plant from seed that went on the ground mid augest, it was 8 inches tall, topped and transplanted to the ground a week later it is like 13 inches, with buds growing. Im afraid i wasted my time as the plant looks like it wont yield much becuase it stopped growing and...
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    Can i scrog using chicken fences?

    My clones are 2 weeks in to flowering i wonder if i can use a chicken fence to scrog but the holes look small. Will the plant grow through the fence naturally or with help?
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    my once a year post -- chocolate thai

    I have it, i have it out side and its started budding! I will post a pick
  13. S

    Wtf! My plants started to flower >.<

    I had to hide my plants outside for 3 weeks for security reasons and today i noticed buds are forming. Thier barely a foot and a half ( low streaa train )and are in 5 gallon buckets. I wanted to scrog them however ionno if they will even cover the screen on time. Can i still attempt to scrog? Or...
  14. S

    Will a plant die with 3 days of no lights?

    I am having a housing inspection were poeple will be inspecting my home. I need to hide my plants. They are in vegetive mode so they dont smell but for the sake of stealth will they be fine with 3 days of no lights? The owner will be in an out fixing the house to pass inspection.
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    Homemade natural C02, will it work?

    I was wondering if I purchased live fish bait and have it sit in my grow room for added Co2, the fish bait is the meal worms from a freash water fishing shop and they come in little sealed buckets with the worms and thier food. I once had them in the dark for storage and months later i open it...
  16. S

    how do i get 1 gram per watt when growing??

    For heat, i dont have to worry becuase im using 600 wattsof LED. I have 2 strains that have been in veggetive mode for almost 2 month. Low stressed trained in 5 gal buckets both are really bushy and same hieght. im planning on doing a scrog with the 2 plants inside the tent. Would that be...
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    What the average yields using 600 watts?

    Whats the average yield for someone using 600 watts cfl and HID and LEDs?
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    how do i get 1 gram per watt when growing??

    My goal would be to achieve 1 gram per watt in my grow. How would i do that? i am Using 600 watts in my lights and my nutirents are eart juice grow and bloom. my grow tent will have mylar and the tent is 63 in high 20 inch deep and 60 inch long. I will have fans and ventilation in thier. and I...
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    2nd CFL Grow

    dude whats the socket adapter called thats so bad ass! were can i order them from?
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    what can I exspect on yields with this set up?

    my grow tent is 5 feet tall 5 feet wide and 19.5 inch deep. I will be able to fit four 5 gal buckets with soil in thier and have to grow under a 600 watt LED light. the Nutrients I am using is earth juice grow and bloom and the strains are OG kush and OG SFV. what can i exspect from my yield?