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    Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients & Growers

    That is wrong, if you are a Form B2 applicant (that is, you don't have Cancer, Aids, MS, or a Spinal Injury), and your doctor isn't a specialist in the area of your disability, then you need to see a specialist. I am going to see my GP in June and I hope she will finally sign the paperwork, I...
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    Anyone ever use CFL Flood Lights?

    The floods are 1200 lumens and standard 23W cfls are 1600 lumens. But the floods are directed, where as the standard cfls just throw light in every direction. Hard decision! That is why I wanted to see if anyone else had tried them.
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    Anyone ever use CFL Flood Lights?

    I was over at 1000bulbs looking at what kind of CFLs I wanted to use inside my growbox and I saw these floodlights and I was wondering if anyone had used them before? They have a built in reflector, so they might just be perfect, but it depends on if they flood, or if a spot effect forms being...
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    Resonant frequency of bud production?

    Bass shakers are low frequency (below 200hz) , they are meant to move things, they aren't meant to be run at high frequencies like what Sonic Bloom uses (audio freq in kHz). Sonic Bloom as far as I know tries to simulate the frequencies which birds use, in the high in the audio band (above...
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    250W HPS on a 600w Ballast?

    No it won't work, HID bulbs don't self-limit the amount of current they use, that is what a ballast does, so a 250W Bulb on a 600W Ballast will use all the current available to it and burn itself out in seconds.
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    Oh Electronics

    The easiest way would be to wire a relay/contactor in series with the fans. The relay would control the ballast. So just like your christmas lights, if one of your fans go out, anything behind it (the relay and thus the ballast) would shut off. Make sense?
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    Perpetual grow room build (Pictures Included)

    I had thought about using a PLC, but I figured why not just build my own custom solution. So I am working on building a system that uses a PIC microcontroller. It is a lot more work, but in the end, I might be able to market it cheaply. One of my biggest "wants" is a CO2 ppm meter and...
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    Air Purifying CFLs, anyone used these?

    Has anyone tried out these Air Purifying CFLs? I believe they are just negative ion generators, at least that is what the description seems to be purporting, and I have heard that negative ion generators aren't good for plants. Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone has used them, and whether...
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    Cleaning PH pens...

    You know, you can make your own cooltube using a Candle Shade made of Hurricane Glass. Like this L
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    Filament Vaporizer!

    Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't want a trimpot, those are the little square plastic potentiometers used to make small adjustments, and carry very little current. The best way to buy it would be to get it online from a place like,,,
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    Filament Vaporizer!

    @guitarabuser If you are talkin about Isochroma, then I don't think he can patent his creation since it is prior art (Dr. Lunglife). If you are talking about me, my idea isn't new either, and I never used a HeathKit before, but I did build circuits when I was getting my EET degree.
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    Everyone on RIU listen up!

    I think the birds digestive system would metabolize the seeds.
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    DIY Aeroponics made easy! (and <$40)

    We need to setup some sort of purchasing network. I can't find those bins, or bins that look like those anywhere in Canada (online). Both Target and Amazon refuse to ship them to me! If I had a boat I would zip across Lake Ontario to Youngstown, NY and pick some up.
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    Filament Vaporizer!

    I used 6 1.2V 2500mAH AA NiMH batteries giving me 7.2V and 15AH. Then I fed it into a 7805 5V Regulator. It is a simple 3 pin IC, when facing you it is input, ground, output. I am sure Radioshack will have them, but they might only carry the 1A device. That means you couldn't use it for the...
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    Filament Vaporizer!

    Mine was sorta ghetto, so I connected the nichrome to the circuit by wrapping the nichrome and the circuit wire around a small aluminium bolt, then used the nut to squeeze them together. The nut was also sitting in a small wood dowel. I don't know how it is connected in say toasters or what not...
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    Filament Vaporizer!

    The potentiometer idea could work, lets calculate! Our source voltage will be 5V, so we can make it portable. From the chart we know 3 things, that 32ga straight wire requires 680mA to get to 200C, or 340mA when coiled, and we know that 32ga has a resistance of 10.16 ohms per foot. I don't like...
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    Filament Vaporizer!

    @sjfrockerdude You could use a technique similar to what you want, it is called Pulse Width Modulation, and it is essentially switching the power on and off really fast so that the load (nichrome wire) see's an average of the on to off. It works like this. If the PWM is running at 10kHz, that...
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    DIY Aeroponics made easy! (and <$40)

    Damn you Target! I need to try and find those Tubs up here in Canada. Any Canucks know where to look?
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    DIY 1000w HPS Cooltube?

    What you want is a Candle Shade made from Hurricane Glass. It what I used when building my friends grow. We bought one like this , it hasn't broken yet. He is only using 600W though, but it works well.
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    DIY cheap LED array

    HHO doesn't actually exist. Why, you might ask? Because Hydrogen doesn't exist as an element in our atmosphere, it is always the molecule H2. When you electrolyze H2O, you get H2 and O. Also, you can not get more energy out of burning H2 and O together, than what was used to break it apart...