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  1. J

    couple more noob questions (pics)

    today i purchased some clones, the only light i have is 600 watt so that is no good for these clones the 1st picture is an an energy saving light bulb will this work untill they are strong enough to take the 600 watt light 2nd picture is some baby plants from seeds i germed 1 week ago one of...
  2. J

    bad nute burn 1st plant can it recover pics

    yeah thanks was a little hot iv took the light up a bit. one last question shall i leave the dead leaves on the planet or would it make a difference if i took them off
  3. J

    bad nute burn 1st plant can it recover pics

    also should i keep flushing daily or just the once
  4. J

    bad nute burn 1st plant can it recover pics

    600 watt on 1 plant its the only light i have i keep it about 10 inches away
  5. J

    bad nute burn 1st plant can it recover pics

    1 week into flowering its my first plant and i gave it to many nutes. alot of it is turning yellow but alot is still green i have just flushed it. do you think it can recovers
  6. J

    after my seeds have cracked in water do i still keep them in the dark?

    after my seeds have cracked in water do i still keep them in the dark? do they need to be in the light or still in the dark. nothing has come out the seed yet
  7. J

    gave my 1st planet too much nutrient

    alot of the leaves are turning yellow the plant still looks strong just half of the leaves are going yellow in the middle. should of stop the nutrients for the while and just give it water. should my plant just ride it out and go back to normal?
  8. J

    should i turn the inside fans off when lights are off

    ???? thanks in advance
  9. J

    help a newbie

    is there anything else i need in this cuboard, its my first grow the plant on the right is useless i got given it the stalk is snapped. should i close the cuboard or wont there be enough air . Im very new to growing trying to learn its a 600watt light
  10. J

    what is the highest yeilding strain?

    thank guys gonna go with the B 52 you guys making fun because i typed witch...........its been a long time since iv been to school
  11. J

    what is the highest yeilding strain?

    roughly witch is the highest one
  12. J

    will the plant survive or grow back

    my idiot freind who didnt have a clue gave up on growing he gave me 2 plants, 1 is perfectly healthy the other is bad. its snapped on the stalk completely off dont know why he is dne this but the tip of the stalk is brown and dry he has chopped cutting off and not done it properly just left...