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  1. J

    is £50 a week electric suspicous??

    i have 2 600 watt lights and 2 400 watt also a 125 wat cfl that is on 24 hour
  2. J

    is £50 a week electric suspicous??

    im on a meter and i am putting 50 quid on a week now. do you think the electric company (british gas) will get suspicous im wanting to add another light but dont know wether to or not. im hopeing they only get suspicous when people are using 100's a week
  3. J

    feminized lowrider turned out to be male in my grow room with 20 plants!!!!!

    i had 2 lowriders growing . only 2 sprouted out of a pack of 10 :cry: one of them turned to be male the balls basically grew over night and it looked like a few of the balls where open, i had 20 blue cheese in the room witch had been flowering for 1 week but no actual flowers yet........will...
  4. J

    should seeds be kept in dark till sprout?

    should seeds be kept in dark till sprout?
  5. J

    HUGE indoor JACK HERER plants...8ft tall with pics

    this is some impressive shit...well done
  6. J

    does more light mean fast flowering time or just bigger yeild?

    say i had 2 600 watt lights on my 10 plants if i had added a 3rd light would it finish faster??
  7. J

    is it better to cut off the bottom branches to energy goes to the buds??

  8. J

    can i send filtered air from one tent into another??

    it will be fine for the plants right???
  9. J

    how old or big must a plant be to take clones???

    how old or big must a plant be to take clones???
  10. J

    how much jail time in UK would I get for 35 plants??

    5 years!!!! you get that for rape. i read on google some one got 160 community hours for 50 plants so all is good
  11. J

    how much jail time in UK would I get for 35 plants??

    not been caught or anything just trying to weigh up the risk and reward up to see if its worth it.
  12. J

    my weed smells of old grass

    i harvested my plants the strains were blueberry,skunk 1, b52 they look perfect white thc crystals they are sticky but they smell like crap, smell like old grass. through out flowering they never really smell i could stick my head in the tent and barely smell them. is there something wrong i...
  13. J

    i dried my buds now they smell of nothing

    i dried my buds in a dark cuboard with a fan on them now they are dry they smell like old grass nothing like weed, is there a reason why or do they just do that some times
  14. J

    is 50 inch considered a big plant??

    i got a B52 its shot up to 50 inch only 2 weeks into flowering the buds are still really small. because of the size will it yeild a fair bit or do small plants yeild more
  15. J

    added an extra light last night now all my plants are flopping over

    will this have lasting damage like slowing them down or will they shoot back up when they get light again. i already have 2 600 watts in my tent but got gready and added anohter 400 i guess it got to hot for them and the soil is all dry now even though i only watered them last night. some of...
  16. J

    any one used B52's before??

    what yeild did you get??? iv got a couple 3rd week into flowering the buds only started coming through this week but the plants are 40-50 inchs tall
  17. J

    leafs are dying/turning yellow on the bottom of plant?

    is this normal when flowering every plant is going yellow only on the bottom top half looks healthy, i read that nute burn starts at the top
  18. J

    3 weeks in flower, are my plants slow... pics

    mine have been going for 3 weeks and the bud is no way near as big as that yet
  19. J

    My plants dont smell at all?????

    cool thanks, yeah its pretty weird i can stand stick my head in the tent and there is no smell