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  1. C

    First time cloner and need some help.

    Here are some pics of my clones that i took from mommy 3 days ago. I started out by leaching and then misting every morning for 3 days to get all of the Nitrogen out and boost the carbs to help with rooting and placed them under 1 42w CFL. I understand that there is going to be some wilting for...
  2. C

    New grow,whats wrong ?

    good news guys..thanks.
  3. C

    New grow,whats wrong ?

    This is my first gro and one of my plats have developed a problem,not sure what this is, and i cant seem to find out anything on it either. HELP !
  4. C

    problem need help

    dude...there is no way your curing them just after 8 days for drying and there 'too dry'....something dont ADD UP.
  5. C

    canfilter ?

    GUy ....what a dumb question...a canfilter has only one end in which you can attatch a hose to,which would mean there would be NO way to Push air trough a canfilter cause there would be no where for it to blow out from since there is only one end to have to suck the air through it.
  6. C

    flowering already?? can it finish out side?

    as soon as the days get shorter you can put your plants outside,but if you put them out there while the days are still long you will put your girlfriends back in veg and it will stop flowering prodution. I got a question that has nothing to do with your do i start a thread here...
  7. C

    My clones arnt looking to good. help plz!

    F.Y.I clones tend to wilt abit after taking the cuttings,and you dont have to water so often,just mist inside the dome evey so often and oepn the done to let in fresh air every so often as well and your clones should be fine and they should recover after a couple of days.
  8. C

    Indoor Grow Attempt II: Garbage Can Grow

    is that tin foil you used for your reflective material?..iff so...not a good idea ..that foil will create hot spots and burn your leaves. Use something like Mylar or poly film plastic.
  9. C

    followed cervantes advice now disaster.

    Best of luck on that to ya man. Peace
  10. C

    followed cervantes advice now disaster.

    whats your humidity and temp at?...
  11. C

    What to do about burnt leaf

    Thats just the thing say cut it off but the plant is still so young and very tempermental,I would leave the leaf on there and if there is any use of it still, the plant will make due.
  12. C

    Indoor Grow Attempt II: Garbage Can Grow

    You might want to line that trash can with some refective material like mylar or poly film plastic for starters. you could use some intake and exaust fans.... ofcourse....use a couple of cpu fans and cut holes on the side of it and place them accordinly.Over all you got a cool lil idea happnin...
  13. C

    What to do about burnt leaf

    use the macro setting on your camera!this will allow you to take close-ups.and as to your question....dont trim your leaves off if they are burnt,especially if they are that young you will possibley put them into shock and they will die,just let the plant keep growing as much as it will grow and...
  14. C

    followed cervantes advice now disaster.

    your Nutes might have locked up due to over ph'n your water or plants.Too much phosphoric acid locks up your nutes and turns you plants leaves yellow and your growth is slowed down as well.this may or may-not be the problem,more investigating is needed but that might be a plae to start.
  15. C

    G13 haze/whitewiddow/bluecheese

    I grow a MOTHER plant you fucking FAG ...and take clones from that mother,after the clones have been in my cloning dome for 2 weeks and have got a good root system going i put them in veg for another 3 weeks,5th weeks they go into the flowering room and harest time is around 52 days.i put 8...
  16. C

    G13 haze/whitewiddow/bluecheese

    2 400W HPS lamps would probley be most ideal,but 2 600w is not. 1 600w which is what i use has worked fine for the last 5 yrs ive been growing indoors,and my crops a bumper crops.
  17. C

    G13 haze/whitewiddow/bluecheese

    For a 4x4x6 flowring room you should have the following: 1 600w HPS lamp ( most lumens per watt ). 1 intake and 1 exaust. paint walls titanium white (to reflect the light evenly) with a fungal inhibator added( 2 quarts should be fine )or use mylar, i use paint. 1 wall mounted osillating fan to...
  18. C

    G13 haze/whitewiddow/bluecheese

    For a 4x4x6 flowring room you should have the following: 1 600w HPS lamp ( most lumens per watt ). 1 intake and 1 exaust. paint walls titanium white (to reflect the light evenly) with a fungal inhibator added( 2 quarts should be fine )or use mylar, i use paint. 1 wall mounted osillating fan to...
  19. C

    G13 haze/whitewiddow/bluecheese

    its a waste of money using 2 600 w hps lights in a 4x4x7 room with only 5 plant.1st things first,for a 4x4 room you should be using only 1 600 w lamp since the hood should provive more then enough coverage for your room,and you it will cut down your heat and energy costs by half. Your roon...
  20. C

    G13 haze/whitewiddow/bluecheese

    its a waste of money using 2 600 w hps lights in a 4x4x7 room with only 5 plant.1st things first,for a 4x4 room you should be using only 1 600 w lamp since the hood should provive more then enough coverage for your room,and you it will cut down your heat and energy costs by half. Your roon...