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  1. KingJim

    Would You Say This Is Normal Bud Growth?

    Well I added some 6-9-0 bone meal to the soil mix. What is the purpose of molasses? I have this stuff called 'Sweet', by botanicare, it is a organic carbohydrate synthesizer (0-0-0), is that the same as molasses? I am just going for taste over yield, so I'm trying to stay away from anything...
  2. KingJim

    Is this a male?

    yep, he be a he
  3. KingJim

    Would You Say This Is Normal Bud Growth?

    I switched my plants to 12/12 on July 14th. They showed sex around the 19/20th of July, and this is them now. Do these looks normal for ~20 days of flowering? I'm only talking about the front two plants, which I have fed nothing but pond water (pond has a lot of fish) throughout the entire...
  4. KingJim

    Acapulco Gold, CFL + HPS. Small/Novice grow

    temps are around 82-85 during the day, and 75 at night. its only a 3/4 area, as in the front is open. The walls are only mylar, so the heat can escape pretty easily. The other two plants just showed sex after 2 nights, both female. I transplanted my two into larger pots, with a bit of bone meal...
  5. KingJim

    Transplanting in flowering?

    Due to $$, I wasnt able to get more pots and soil, so my plants got stuck in 2 gallon pots, and one of the pots is only half full of soil. They are in their 3rd week of flowering, and already the plant with a full pot of soil has way more bud development. Would it shock my plants to transplant...
  6. KingJim

    Acapulco Gold, CFL + HPS. Small/Novice grow

    Here is an update with the new setup, I like the buds development, and the new plants have just showed pistils :D
  7. KingJim

    Multi Strain, 430W organic grow. Flowering

    I did some LST with these plants. One is a Warlock (indica) and the other is Acapulco Gold from Barney's Farm (50/50 satvia/indica). Since its not 100% sativa, its not real AG, but it still smells very nice. I'm getting two more plants later today, an LA Confidential and Violator Kush. Those...
  8. KingJim

    Acapulco Gold, CFL + HPS. Small/Novice grow

    Thanks for the response man. This is my last update before I switch to the 400W. I will be getting two new plants as well, LA confidential and some sour kush. So I will have 4 ladies flowering under it. Anyways, heres the last pics of my grow box.
  9. KingJim

    Acapulco Gold, CFL + HPS. Small/Novice grow

    Alright so it kind of sucks nobody like to respond. But if you do view this as I see people do, please answer this question. I'm going to get a 400W HPS, and I want to start a new grow. Do you think 400W is enough for 6 plants, probablly flower them at about 1.5 ft.? Also, my plants are now...
  10. KingJim

    Acapulco Gold, CFL + HPS. Small/Novice grow

    So since last update more and more pistils were coming up everyday. Then I made it into a SCroG, and some of the pistils went away. There still are some, but no as many. Unfortunately, no buds starting either. I hope to see a change within the week, because they are starting to get too big. The...
  11. KingJim

    Acapulco Gold, CFL + HPS. Small/Novice grow

    Okay, so its official, both plants are female :) The pistols are still very small, but they are definately there. You can sort of see them in the pics, but keep in mind I am only using my cellphone. I hope to start to see buds forming soon :D The nute burn is still visible on the old leaves...
  12. KingJim

    Acapulco Gold, CFL + HPS. Small/Novice grow

    Good luck with it. The two plants I gave away were even more branchy, it was like the branches were growing as fast as the main stem. I've basically taken this grow as a learning curve, I still have 6 AG seeds, so I will definately do it again after this round is done, except next round will be...
  13. KingJim

    Acapulco Gold, CFL + HPS. Small/Novice grow

    Okay, well I gave two plants to a friend. I just switched to 12/12, so tonight will be the first time they see darkness. Hopefully I start to see signs of sex soon. The pictures are of the warlock and two acapulco golds. Unforuntaly I'm too broke to afford more soil ATM, so the AG in the small...
  14. KingJim

    Burn or defficiency? pics.

    I'm not sure whether this a nute burn from the soil, or a nute defficieny. Here is the soil. Slow release nutes, etc etc. But it doesn't really seem to be strong enough to burn the plants as badly burnt as they are. Here are the plants. As I haven't fed any fert to my plants, im...
  15. KingJim

    Can someone help me with this soil/recomend another?

    I bought this Scotts premium mix, and my plants are all yellow, crispy and kind of droopy. I did feed them a tiny amount of nutrients, but the yellowing has not gone away, and its been a while since I fed them. The nutes were triple 20, and I did about 1/10 strength dose. This was like 1.5 weeks...
  16. KingJim

    Can anyone please help diagnose this? PICS included.

    Well not safe, but recomends feeding after 1 month. Just wondering how I should treat my plants with nutes then? Maybe nothing for veg, then start adding something during flower?
  17. KingJim

    Can anyone please help diagnose this? PICS included.

    It says the fertilizer will be released for up to 6 months, but it is safe to start feeding after 1 month.
  18. KingJim

    Can anyone please help diagnose this? PICS included.

    Alright, thanks for the input. Should I just hold off on adding nutes from like a month?
  19. KingJim

    Can anyone please help diagnose this? PICS included.

    There is a pic of the soil below. It is mixed with about 30% perlite