Can anyone please help diagnose this? PICS included.


I think the problem is either nute burn, or light burning. I am using a 100W HPS with 23W cfls. The plant is about 2.5" from the cfls, and about 5" from the HPS. The nutes I used are just generic wal mart 20/20/20, and I used them in like 1/10 concentration as given by the box.

Here are some pics of my first plant.


On the third pic you can see you the damage on the leaf isn't exactly yellow, its more of a white (very faint yellow). I was also wondering if this plant is large enough to LST?

Here are some pics of the other plant.


What I don't like about this plant is the yellow on the leafs, I'm thinking nute burn. But what I dislike more is the wilted leaves. Instead of being nice and flat and firm, they are growing more like a V. You can see the V shape in the first pic.

Anyways, any help on this would be very appreciated.



It says the fertilizer will be released for up to 6 months, but it is safe to start feeding after 1 month.


Well not safe, but recomends feeding after 1 month. Just wondering how I should treat my plants with nutes then? Maybe nothing for veg, then start adding something during flower?


Active Member
what size pots are those? how old are the plants? You will want to up-pot soon. Can you find a better medium? Any gro stores near you? Maybe Black Gold mixed with some perlite. the NPK was pretty low on that soil, but I dont know what else is in it. You definitely want your plants happy right now, and they aren't. As always it could be anything. How often are you feeding them this MG stuff? You can order some complete cycle from a reputable outfit like JR peters - Jacks Classic. Check it out. What kind of water are you giving them?

if you're using 1/10 of the nute formula strength, perhaps it could go a little higher? you may have a deficiency is the thing. MJ is definitely a "N"/nitrogen phreak. You want that in veg and flowering.

yeh your leaves are taco-ing, crunching up. see how they are kinda pointed upwards. they are asking for food I bet! :P

re: LST .. it does look a little young for LST, but I haven't done it. From what I've read though, it can be a hit or miss if you don't know what you're doing. but if you only have 1 plant, then maybe it isnt a big deal. What i would check out is Uncle Ben's 2 or 4 cola thread on this site. looks like you might be able to benefit from it.