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  1. D

    Botanicare Sweet vs. Molasses

    Haha yesss. I'm actually live less than 10 minutes from the Midwest Hydroponics store.
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    Botanicare Sweet vs. Molasses

    What generic nutes do you use? I'm new to this and would like to know how to save as much money as possible if it all works just the same... (This coming from the guy who just spent the $$$ on Fox Farm products.)
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    Botanicare Sweet vs. Molasses

    Thanks for the answers everyone. Actually, what's funny is that this wasn't somebody trying to sell me anything. This was just some nice guy in the parking lot who had overheard me asking a clerk if they happened to have any molasses around. :D
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    Thinking of switching to LED UFO Need Help

    Hi there. I'm flowering under a bunch of fluoros and, a 250 watt Metal Halide fixture, and a LED UFO. Which buds are growing the best? The ones under the LED UFO. By far, they're doing better -noticeably- than the other buds in the closet. That said, I got mine off Ebay from an importer for...
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    Botanicare Sweet vs. Molasses

    Botanicare Sweet versus Molasses: ? I ran into a nice guy at the grow shop yesterday who told me that if I used Botanicare Sweet instead of Molasses I'd remember him because of the amazing results. I was thinking of going out and buying some, but first I want to know if this is everything the...
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    Does Unsulfured Molasses Work?

    Ok. Thanks. Will it work just as well as blackstrap?
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    Does Unsulfured Molasses Work?

    Hi there. I just went to the grocery store and bought unsulfured molasses. I read that you should use blackstrap, but I couldn't find any that was labeled blackstrap. It was all unsulfured. (I bought grandma's all natural molasses.) Will this work? Will it work as well? I don't know I'm...
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    Is This Plant Male? Plz Help me Identify

    Hi there. I have a plant pictured below that I was hoping some people could positively identify as male. Thanks.
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    Broken CFL - Is my Crop Ruined?

    LOL- Oh good, it's not all over for the plants. Thanks for the answers. Fortunately, the bulb did not directly shatter over the plants themselves so I'm feeling fairly safe about that. I was just wondering if any of the mercury would end up soaking into the plants, soil, etc. In reply to...
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    Broken CFL - Is my Crop Ruined?

    Hi everyone. Is my crop ruined? I broke a compact fluorescent bulb into a million tiny little pieces in my grow room today. On the bulb and package it warns that the product contains elemental mercury... From my understanding, that's mercury gas. So.... is my crop ruined if I broke a CFL in...
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    Yellow Spots

    I had this going on too with my White Widows. They're amazingly healthy, grow like weeds, and are beautiful. I just ignored it and nothing happened.
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    Getting 2 Kittens: Should I keep them away from the Plants?

    Hey there everyone! I have decided to bring 2 little fuzzie bundles of joy into my life in the form of kittens. I also have a nice grow closet going. I know 2 things: 1. Kittens love to eat plants. 2. Marijuana isn't your typical plant. So, should I go out of my way to keep the kittens...
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    Eating the Leaves for Food. . . What's the Nutritional Value?

    I dunno. I could make salad out of this stuff. :P Anyway, your method would probably get me a little more high. Got a link to how to do it? ... lol? Anyway, if you get stoned enough to remember let me know! :D Is there anything those boys won't do? I seriously could use this as a...
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    Eating the Leaves for Food. . . What's the Nutritional Value?

    So, I had a mishap with some falling stuff in my grow room. Plants were mostly undamaged, but a lot of leaves fell off. I felt it was quite a waste to let such good leaves go to waste, so I ate them. They tasted great! Of course they will never get you high or anything, but I just wanted...
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    Was this a Good Garage Sale Deal?

    Hey there. I went to a Garage Sale today and picked up a Hydrofarm Sunburst Ballast/Hood. They charged me $15 for it and threw in some other stuff too. It's 250/U for a Universal Metal Halide lamp. Did I get a decent deal? I thought so but had to ask. CORRECTED-- I put the wrong brand before.
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    First Time Grower w/ Stats -- How much Yield Should I Expect?

    Thank you, Gastanker. I credit the plants for being so healthy, because I'm new. lol I was hoping to get at least 4 oz for personal use, so if you got over 5 with a 400 watt fluoro setup, woo-hoo! That's encouraging. (5.4 oz)
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    First Time Grower w/ Stats -- How much Yield Should I Expect?

    Thank you. :) I'm glad to know that the coloration on the stems is normal.
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    First Time Grower w/ Stats -- How much Yield Should I Expect?

    Hi everyone! I'm a first-time grower, and I'm curious how much yield I should expect from my first beautiful crop of 7-9 fingered friends. :) They're going on 5 weeks right now, and are looking beautiful. My Lighting Setup: ---4 Fluorescent shop lights with 8 40-watt T12 fluorescent tubes...
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    Miracle Grow Soil For Plants?

    Hey there. I'm on my first grow, and used the standard Miracle Grow soil, and it's working wonderfully. I prepared it ahead of time, though. I would use 3 shovel-fulls of Miracle Grow soil to 2 shovels of sand. And, for every combined 5 shovel-fulls, I threw three handfuls of perilite into...