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  1. R

    New plants ... 2 1.2 weeks old ..... yellow tips on a couple .. HELP

    Hi peeps Ok got some Blue Cheese that I germinated and planted. I waited 2 weeks and now have it under my 600w hps and have started with a half dose of Canna Coco A+B nute. All seemed well for a couple of days and growth was and is fine as they have grown approx. an inch in 2-3 days. I...
  2. R

    Re-plant, Carry on or have I killed the babies !!! ADVICE NEEDED URGENT

    Don't sound harsh .... sounds like good advice. Will re - pot today and take off the desk lamp covers. thanks for the replys and keep them coming.
  3. R

    Re-plant, Carry on or have I killed the babies !!! ADVICE NEEDED URGENT

    Hi peeps Ok back again with some photo's. These babies are 7 days after sprouting and as you can see they are stretched (look like palm tree strain not Blue cheese). I now have 6 x 11 watt 2700k cfl lamps over them. I know these are not good enough but best local store had. As told on here...
  4. R

    Can anyone give any advice on my seedlings?

    I Have 6 cfl lights on them at the moment but they are still stretching?
  5. R

    Can anyone give any advice on my seedlings?

    I am wondering if anyone can give me some advice I have 8 seedlings that have sprouted on 20th October and I have potted them, they are stretching and are currently about 3 inches tall and they have 4 small leaves on them, I have them in Canna Natural soil and I am not sure when to start feeding...
  6. R

    Help - New seedlings but dont want to hurt the girls by getting it wrong

    Ok no touching it ..... check. Any other advice .... when and what to do next
  7. R

    Help - New seedlings but dont want to hurt the girls by getting it wrong

    Back again, finished the last crop and got 4oz from the 2 girls ..... so thanks to everyone for the advice. Now onto the new kids .... Got 3 Blue Cheese and 5 Bulldog Chronic planted. Germed the seeds and then planted when cracked. Day later the 8 had sprouted. Now day 3 and they have gone...
  8. R

    2 Weeks to go ..... is this normal !! first time grow

    2 more weeks, I started to flush today ..... do you think I should go back to feed or just monster bloom or both ?? sorry but first grow and its getting sooo close my fingers are twitching. I have added a few more pics taken last night. The one plant seems a bit further along than the other...
  9. R

    2 Weeks to go ..... is this normal !! first time grow

    I had a few members say these are about 2 weeks away, so have carried on with the feed and bloom and have noticed a rapid yellowing on some fan leafs. Is this normal at this stage or have a hit a problem towards the end. Any advise on the photos would be great.
  10. R

    First Timer .... Need advice on when to harvest

    Thanks everyone. I think the agreement is 2 more weeks and then post pics. Thanks for the info on wait until Pistols are amber/brown then start checking the Trichs. Once again thanks all for helping out a first time grower - long time smoker.
  11. R

    First Timer .... Need advice on when to harvest

    Below are some photo's, been 5 days since last pics. Do you think its time to stop the nutes or flush .... or carry on with feed and monster bloom ?? Got a cheap microscope and saw clear and cloudy trichs so still unsure if ready or not ...... Any help would be appreciated guys.:-o
  12. R

    First Timer .... Need advice on when to harvest

    Great ... Will carry on as doing for a week or so and post new pics. How do I check the Trichomes ... don't have microscope, can it be done by the naked eye. Sorry if I sound a noob but rather sound stupid than hurt the girls lol.
  13. R

    First Timer .... Need advice on when to harvest

    I have had these 2 ladies growing now for 8 weeks, my mate who set it up switched them to 12/12 way early (plants were only 12inches and 8 inches) I have worked hard to get them to this stage being a first time grower. How much longer should I give them feed and monster bloom, also when do I...
  14. R

    Leaves going yellow on 5th week of flowering .... is there a problem ?

    Hi, my 2 ladies are in the 5th week of flowering and the buds are growing nice BUT have noticed yellow leaves (crispy) on one plant and yellow spots appearing on the other. I don't want to mess with them too much as they have done well so far. DR Tent 600w Dual spectrum Light (approx. 8inches...
  15. R

    Red Stems appearing and Light Green growth is it normal

    I have tested my PH and its 6.5. Temp is 31 day and 22 night, humidity is between 32-35. I have flushed them and now back to nutes of Canna Coco Grow AB and using 40ml per 10lites of water. The girls still have red stalks but not getting worse and leaf colour is still quite light green. Any...
  16. R

    Red Stems appearing and Light Green growth is it normal

    That's what the dude that set me up said to do ... "fill the drain off saucer when they dry up". I haven't checked the PH but I am gonna buy one Wednesday along with some new nutes. I have noticed today that the red stems have spread into the leave as in the centre line is going red. What's the...
  17. R

    Red Stems appearing and Light Green growth is it normal

    Uncle Ben tbh this is my first attempt and after the offer of a set up for £100 I went for it. My mate gave me the cuttings and feed in bottles marked with amounts ... its a crude as that. Im growing in coco and the feed he gave me was a clear solution marked 40ml per 10 litre's and a dark green...
  18. R

    Red Stems appearing and Light Green growth is it normal

    RDO 420, thanx dude will try that, just plain water. Cheers to everyone that has given advice .... will post a follow up in a week and see how the girls look.
  19. R

    Red Stems appearing and Light Green growth is it normal

    No I'm using tap water. I will take the light up further as putting my hand under it is very warm. On the cuttings side that one member said about, the grower (makes me laugh) took 72 cuttings over a 3 week period for me. Once he used no clone gel/powder, once he just sniped a leaf off and put...
  20. R

    Red Stems appearing and Light Green growth is it normal

    I am on my first grow and after losing 6 clones (guy that did them was useless) I have 2 left that have gone quite well up to the last week, they have slowed down on growth a bit and quite a few leaf stems are now purple and the leaves seem a lighter green than before. I have read up but seem to...