Red Stems appearing and Light Green growth is it normal


I am on my first grow and after losing 6 clones (guy that did them was useless) I have 2 left that have gone quite well up to the last week, they have slowed down on growth a bit and quite a few leaf stems are now purple and the leaves seem a lighter green than before. I have read up but seem to get a different reason with each place I read from. Any help on what might be wrong (if anything) would be great guys. [HR][/HR]

I am growing indoors in a tent, using coco canna, feed is canna A B and guy said to use 40ml per 10litres, light is HID 600W about 7 inches from top of plant, extraction fan with carbon filter, osolating fan inside blowing gently on plants, have 4in TT fan blowing cool air in bottom vent.

Temp is Day 30-32 deg and at night 20-22 deg.

Feeding once the saucer is dry.

Thanks for any advise given

*pics included *



Well-Known Member
They look ok to me a little hungry, just bump up the N a bit and I believe they will get their green back. N def will start normally from the middle or bottom of the plant and work its way up.


Well-Known Member
bottom leaves are completely yellowed, def feed her, also 7 inches maybe a lil to close to the plant. have you put your hand under to make sure?


Active Member
Looks ok, those bottom leaves always fall off after a few weeks. Give her a 1/4 dose of nutes and wait a week.


Well-Known Member
they fall off when they are stripped of chlorophyl, not after the plant gets to be so old. im talking the 3 bladed serrated leaves... feed em or else


Well-Known Member
I seen the three bladed leaves too. From my experience that is caused from taking cuttings too late in to flower. I think you said that you lost a bunch of clones that could have been why. I never flip to 12/12 until I see 5 blade or better yet 7 or 9 bladed leaves.


No I'm using tap water. I will take the light up further as putting my hand under it is very warm. On the cuttings side that one member said about, the grower (makes me laugh) took 72 cuttings over a 3 week period for me. Once he used no clone gel/powder, once he just sniped a leaf off and put all 24 on a bench then dipped them and stuck them in dry root pots. the batch these came from were approx. 4 weeks short of him harvesting and these are the only 2 that survived. To give you an idea of my tech support I get off this guy, he grew his cut his, cut them down, put them under heat until crispy and now cant even smoke it as its rough. Hence my sign up for some real help. I will try all the things you suggested including a 3/4 dose of food. Thanks for help and hope the girls survive as its been hard to get this far from what he gave me. One other thing, after they rooted he put them in small pots and into the tent on 18/6 600w with light right up, then after 2 weeks and the plants being approx. 6 in he swapped them over to 12/12 and said that should be it now just feed them daily until the end ??? didn't sound right then and after reading up I am not sure these two will grow into proper little ladies.


RDO 420, thanx dude will try that, just plain water. Cheers to everyone that has given advice .... will post a follow up in a week and see how the girls look.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I have read up but seem to get a different reason with each place I read from.
Yep. That's what happens when you seek advice here rather than getting down to your local library and reading a couple of books on indoor plant culture, the basics. For the most part, it's the blind leading the blind. Empower yourself so you end up making the right choices.

Not posting or even knowing the NPK values or not understanding plant nutrition - another one bites the dust.

Plain water is NOT the answer. What are the NPK/micros values that you are applying and at what frequency?

Get the light off those plants. You're gonna push them to death. Don't know the kind of hood you have but if it's a horizontal hood, raise it to about 16" above the plant tops.

Feeding once the saucer is dry.

Good luck,


Uncle Ben tbh this is my first attempt and after the offer of a set up for £100 I went for it. My mate gave me the cuttings and feed in bottles marked with amounts ... its a crude as that. Im growing in coco and the feed he gave me was a clear solution marked 40ml per 10 litre's and a dark green solution called boost again marked 40ml per 10 Litre's. He told me to feed into the coco first time until it runs into the saucer and then just half fill the saucers each time they dry out (approx. every day so far). The cuttings he gave me already had buds on the tops so not sure if they were any good but rooted and grown ok so far. The light is a 600w sodium bulb and after someone in the thread said raise it up I lifted it up to 2-2.5 feet above top of plants .... temp has now fallen to 29 degrees. Do you think these are a waste of time and I should buy some seeds or source some nice cuttings and start fresh ?


Well-Known Member
As UB mentioned what's with the food in the saucer? Feed every other watering, and let the soil almost dry out before watering. Red stems are normal for a lot of plants, if it's the veins that are reddish, that would point towards a N def, which you might have with the color of your leaves. Do you have a PPM meter? You really should have one because suggested amounts that you read on the bottle could be too much or too little. I PPM my water personally. Another thing is what is the PH of your soil? That could be an issue also. It should be 6.2 in soil. I would cut off all that growth around the soil line, as it is useless and your plant would look much nicer. Your plant looks pretty good though otherwise, I would just give her a little more food and check your PH, and she should be fine. Peace


That's what the dude that set me up said to do ... "fill the drain off saucer when they dry up". I haven't checked the PH but I am gonna buy one Wednesday along with some new nutes. I have noticed today that the red stems have spread into the leave as in the centre line is going red. What's the best thing to do straight away as I don't want to lose the ladies as I have got quite attached to them now lol.

** Added some pics I just took .... this is 1 day after I upped the nutes a 1/4 and lifted the light up to approx. 2 foot - Looks like its flowering but only 16 inches the one and 11 inches the other **

18-08-13 (1).jpg18-08-13 (3).jpg18-08-13 (2).jpg18-08-13 (6).jpg18-08-13 (4).jpg18-08-13 (5).jpg


Well-Known Member
I promise you if you flush with ph'd water and not feed it'll snap out of it in a week or so. If your going to just toss um anyway just try it you'll see. Have expirence with this and will post pics later to prove it. The boost is probably a bloom booster, your p&k is to high locking out the N. That's what it is unless your ph is waaaay way off. Once your do this and are back on track get some nutes with labels so you know the proper amounts to feed.


Well-Known Member
They're not to terrible and are and will keep growing like that, just minimally. When the stalk turns that red, purple is when it's complete lockout. I played around a lot with plants through the years to verify things for myself because like you said you post a question and get a 1000 different opinions. That's just because everyone has a different view point they're coming from with their own expierences. Like Uncle Ben up there. I don't know him or many of his posts but from my take on it he's probably one of the master growers from back in the day. He does everything right from the jump and just never has any problems because he covers his bases. Probably grows naturally with organics and the sun judging by his impressive avatar. That's how I do things now for the most part organics and what not. But I still get suckered in with the additives and boosters and shit. Like right now I have RKS going in my version of super soil. Everything was perfect until a week or so ago I added a ''chemical'' booster. I fucked with a good thing, trying to get bigger buds by adding additives when everything was already perfect. Now I have the same prob. as you. Red and purple stems, leaves losing their luster, slow growth etc. From past expirements I knew right away I fucked up and am locking out the n and some micros cause my p&k are at to high of levels because I was adding tha boost. So last night I flushed em out and in a few days it'll revert back to normal and I'll carry on. When lights come on I'll show some pics. and in a few days I'll show you the after. Everything with plants in my expierence takes time. I added the boost and it took a few days to see the results which were damage. I flushed and it'll take a few days to clear up you know? Whatever you try give it a few days to work. I'd never down grade anyones opinion and this is just mine, if nothing else works give it a try. Also sorry for the wall of text, I hit enter to make paragraphs but nothing happens. Goodluck and hope ya succeed.