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  1. robjones1

    Water Level Monitoring/Checking Method

    Wow those are really good ideas guys! And Zem for the record, that wasn't what I was thinking, a floating level way to mark the level, that's your idea! Brilliant! But ok I'll take credit! Hydroscience: Thanks for that, I will think about it and see what to come up with. I can't use the bulkhead...
  2. robjones1

    Is this all I need for EBB & FLOW?

    hmm, let's see I am no expert new to grow myself, but I think i can answer some of your questions... The location is not important for the valves, I tend to like the middle, but thats if your tray is sloped for a mid drain, some are - kinda nice. Mine is not sloped, drain is an one side of the...
  3. robjones1

    Dyna Grow Nutes

    I am no too familiar with dyna grow nute line and wanted to open up this thread to discuss it, anyone familiar with it? I was planning on using House &Garden nutes for next grows, but it is costly...Thought this would be a good alternative... Any thoughts? Here is a product compare chart...
  4. robjones1

    Best "cheap" nutes?

    Better yet go with the 2 part GH series MICRO and BLOOM, the lucas formula, its a good starter and some swear by it, other swear at it lol! It is working for me phenomenally well, but still looking to get with some more high perfomance line of nutes like H&G...
  5. robjones1

    Using a Car Wash Sponge as a growing medium ?

    Yea I am looking at using some alternative mediums as well for grow ( I'm an experimenter)! That sponge looks nice and soft, however the cell spacing may be an issue for rooting but not bad and quite possible IMO. Hey it busts right thru Rockwool cubes easily, although sometimes thru RW roots...
  6. robjones1

    Exel LG and Aeroponics

    I have small spots of powdery mildew that I'm babysitting getting rid of with ph adjusted to 8.0 ro water. I justspray it on the affted areas 2-3 times per day. Looking into a sulphur burner as well to take care of it as well...
  7. robjones1

    Water Level Monitoring/Checking Method

    Does Anyone have a good way to monitor check the h2o level at a glance? I like the flow tube method, but right now that would be hard to implement since its an active grow, 2 rez's (one month apart)! Even with the tube check method, have to have some way to mark the level (tap or marker?) as...
  8. robjones1

    Is this a good EBB & FLOW system?

    Im using cinderblocks for my 'stand' for the tray. Its perfect, at 1st I built a pvc tray stand which was easy, but just un needed after finding cinderblock method, It is rock solid, rez fits perfectly. At 1.19 per block, 8 blocks needed, not bad stand for $9.60!!
  9. robjones1

    Aeroflo users/owners... PLEASE HELP!!! Aeroflo grommet direction????

    Hmmm I don't think it matters, these are the grommets for the overflow tube right? The tube you use for the h2o height that you can adjust right? in that case I dont think it matters, I think these are UNISEAL brand grommets, or at least these uniseals are what I am gonna use for my aeroflo...
  10. robjones1

    Is this all I need for EBB & FLOW?

    Thats all you need, just drill out the holes with proper bit size and plug the fill drain valve in, add your pump hose and pump, then add the overflow valve to the other hole in the tray. Your fill from the pump floods the tray AND drains it (back thru the pump). The overflow is only a safety...
  11. robjones1

    Flower Flooding Question

    Thats what I am on, flood at lights on (or 5-10 minutes of), 3 more times (ie every 4 hours), with the last flood just before lights off (I have mine at 30 minutes b4 lights off. No flood at night. 8:00am, 12:00am, 4:00pm, 7:30pm, thats what I am using. I have always wondered if the start flower...
  12. robjones1

    First Large Scale Grow - Perpetual Garden aiming to yield 1 lb per week

    I dunno to me a 1week cycle is a nightmare logistically... I am looking at a one month cycle. This to me simplifies the process, harvest, dry, cure, clones, veg etc...You may go insane on that schedule! Not sure if you are a seasoned pro at this or not. I not (like me) I would suggest starting...
  13. robjones1

    H&G Nutes Recipe Help..

    I am a new grower and currently growing ebb flow 4x4 trays, 1000watt hps, sativa grow using currently GH lucas formula (because it was cheap to start with). Quickly finding that I want to go with something better, more performance and cleaner..I am getting great results as am now into about 4...