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  1. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    Just 2 more pictures i couldnt fit in the last post.
  2. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    Week 13 update: 6w veg / 7w flower. Well the ladys days are coming to a close very soon. They have put on a good amount of weight and resin and growth has peaked out. They smell very lovely, And Most of the plants are all mature. only 1 is playing catch up by about a week. We are starting to...
  3. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    It is in the title of the thread HSO (Humboldt Seed Organisation) Sativa dominant strain. You can definitely tell from the size of the calyx and overall size and length. Will update with smell and taste and overview of the grow after then are all done. Still plan on letting them go for another 3...
  4. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    Week 12 update: 6w veg / 6w flower. Ladys Are feeling jolly. Just growing along and dancing in the breeze of the fan like they were doing a catwalk at a fashion show. The ladys dident want all those leaves, so i gave em a bit of a haircut and removed a bunch of leaves. The girls are now...
  5. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    Thanks! I seen your buds in your thread, Looked really nice. Im surprised theres no taste coming thru, Hope they cure nice. , Hope they meet your expectations. Ill be updating thru harvest so stay tuned.
  6. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    Week 11 update: 6w veg / 5w flower. The plants are growing and looking well. I had removed some more branches that werent getting much light or were just way behind the others. It was a bit warmer in the grow room and some leaves were drying out. Temps were lowered a bit. These next couple...
  7. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    Weekly update: Week 10 - 6w veg / 4w flower The ladys have decreased there stretching and are now starting to put there energy into the flower and oil production. Temps were a bit low in the grow space last week, Will be adjust temperature a bit in hopes to help those flowers form better. Still...
  8. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    Weekly update: Week 9 - 6w veg / 3w flower Girls are doing dandy. another few weeks and they should start adding some mass. More branches were tied down and some cleaning up around the edges.
  9. SacredGreenLeaf

    HSO genetics Blue dream auto organic grow

    Some nice buds on the nl, I got a journal for some hso blue dream, right now and am using some of the same nutrients. Come check it out to see what your girls might look like in a few weeks. Good luck with the bd.
  10. SacredGreenLeaf

    BLUE DREAM indica dominant phenotype

    Nice Buds dude! :leaf:
  11. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    3 weeks of flower and they have stretched 24 in. I did something i should of known better and neglected the plants for a day. I missed a watering and one of the phenos went really droopy. I feel really bad! They have since bounced back but i have to be more diligent. Stay tuned for the upcoming...
  12. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    Today marks the day the plants are 8 weeks old. The ladys have been vegging for 6 weeks and flowering for 2 weeks. They are now starting to burst with pistils and taking shape. I am really excited to see them fatten up in the coming weeks. The other day we removed a lot more leaves and branches...
  13. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    I hope you all are as excited as i am for my weekly update tomorrow. But for today, I couldnt help but give you guys another small bite. So i knew the ladys wanted another haircut but i dident really know how much they actually needed one. The grow space has become such a jungle that It wouldnt...
  14. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    It has been 2 weeks since the lights have flipped 12/12, And the lady's really wanted to strut there stuff for me today. They have doubled since the last week going from 8-9in to 17-18in. The stalks are meaty. I will have a further update in a few days when they officially turn 8 weeks old
  15. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    A couple of hours and the ladys are waking up. I will update with how much more they have grown since last week. I can tell you this much it was a lot. :weed:
  16. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    Today the plants are 7 weeks old. 6w veg/1w flower. Girls are getting a lot more water as they are drinking almost 2x as much. They have stretched a lot and it has become a jungle in the grow space. The plants are super healthy and have been flowering for 1 week but have yet to really be...
  17. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    Its been one week since the lights have been flipped to 12/12 and they grew 8-9 in. These girls want to reach for the stars. . . . .
  18. SacredGreenLeaf

    GWhilly found the terpes!

    Very Nice looking nugs in that first picture. Also cute cat :peace:
  19. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    Today is the 6 week anniversary of my lovelys They have grown quite a bit since the last update and have been drinking like crazy. The girls are too big to hold back any longer, lights have been switched to 12/12. And they are being feed accordingly. The lights have been raised almost all the...
  20. SacredGreenLeaf

    Dreaming Of A "HSO Blue Dream" (Indoor) *Grow Journal.

    Thanks Man I appreciate it. Im really excited to see them express themselves thru there flowering. I think this is the week for them to spread there wings and im gona be right there to try and listen to what they need to get to there very best. I seen some of yourself,really cool.Looks like you...