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  1. TIMtoKILL

    Plant drooping

    I was using Hydroguard. 2ml per gallon. That’s why I was confused. Now I just drop a cup of H202 every other day. My chiller kicks on if the temps hit 70. The growth is extreme in this set up. Almost 3 inches a day on the main branches.
  2. TIMtoKILL

    What nutrients to use that are pretty simple?

    GH Flora trio using this regiment Use cal/mag if running RO
  3. TIMtoKILL

    What to do

    He’s growing in hydro man. DO NOT go with organic in DWC. Bad news bears. I would recommend the flora trio line to really get yourself started in the hobby. There is way more to growing in hydro then mixing in some nutes and putting an airstones in the water.
  4. TIMtoKILL

    Plant drooping

    Thanks man I’ll add this to the list for next grow. The 3 separate air pumps I have now should suffice for this grow. I also have waterfalls in my grow bucket so I’m almost positive there is no problems with DO. My issues were resolved with some H202. I’m sure it was a weird source of bacteria...
  5. TIMtoKILL

    What to do

    You might need to get a grow nutrient that’s not miracle grow. Might very well be a nitrogen defiency put on by ph and bad nutes. I use GH flora trio. Keep it simple.
  6. TIMtoKILL

    What to do

    You want to keep your ph in the 5.5-6.5 zone. People say that the sweet spot is 5.8. Also your Ppm probably need to go down as well. If I go farther than 650 my plant starts having issues in veg. Did you do a complete res change when you changed nutrient lines? And do you know if those two...
  7. TIMtoKILL

    Best bulkheads

    Part of it was that I didn’t use abs glue on the bulkhead. I didn’t see it was abs safe until it was too late.
  8. TIMtoKILL

    Best bulkheads

    I used Teflon tape and had a bad time. But hey that’s just my 2 cents.
  9. TIMtoKILL

    Best bulkheads

    Slip connections are a must. Had way to many problems with threaded bulkheads.
  10. TIMtoKILL

    Chiller for DWC, NOT RDWC

    Any chiller is going to require some kind of pump which pretty much turns it into a RDWC.
  11. TIMtoKILL

    Plant drooping

    I have two of these...
  12. TIMtoKILL

    Plant drooping

    Water temps were 68-70 Air temps are 74-78
  13. TIMtoKILL

    Plant drooping

    hey guys so I don’t understand why my plant is dropping like this. 2 days ago I hit it with some H2O2, did a res change yesterday. Temps 68-70 Ph 6.14 Ppm 710 GH Flora trio Cal mag Hydroguard I thought it was not enough DO so I bought 2 air pumps with air stones to make that a total of 3 air...
  14. TIMtoKILL

    What to do

    Too me looks like more problems than just one so I would flush and reset nutes at 1/4 strength making sure your ph is in range. Also make sure that you have enough DO in your buckets.
  15. TIMtoKILL

    What to do

    What’s your ph? Nutrient line? Lights? Ppm? Water temps? I mean give us some info here.
  16. TIMtoKILL

    1st grow too many problems...

    What nutes are you using and your ph levels. Looks like ph to me.
  17. TIMtoKILL

    RDWC setup

    After fixing my res temps and putting some bennies in the mix. They are starting to look alright.
  18. TIMtoKILL

    Reservoir insulation?

    Your not really giving us any information man. What are you trying to keep cool? Do you have any sources of external heat hitting your res? Are you set up in a closet? A shed? The garage? Insulation is going to be different in all of those. I wouldn’t put a blanket in my shed becuase that could...
  19. TIMtoKILL

    Reservoir insulation?

    Thick blanket wrapped around your res seems to do the trick for me.
  20. TIMtoKILL

    Oh dear !! H20 Just Killed My Girl :(

    Autos are very finicky. She may bounce back she may not. Reasons why I don’t really go with autoflower strains.