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  1. oilmaker68

    Cannabis Grow Course

    Jorge is the master,,,buy his grow bible, watch his stuff on youtube,,,,,,,,,, best way to learn
  2. oilmaker68

    First Grow, learning the ropes.

    LEDs. Rule. Check the link in my signature. (The green one). $250. Low heat, no fire risk, cheap to run.
  3. oilmaker68

    Cannabis Grow Course

    There is nothing on that course that can't be learned from Google and experience. Plant biology is rudimentary and growing techniques have been covered numerous times by many growers. If you want to learn how to grow buy a book and ask questions till people are tired of answering. I started with...
  4. oilmaker68

    cloning questions

    Bubble cloners are good so are aeroponic cloners. I use aeroponic, cut, slice stem in half. Scrape put in cloner. 5 days later they are plantable
  5. oilmaker68

    cloning questions

    If it's not dead why bin it ?
  6. oilmaker68

    cloning questions

    Using powder isn't the best. Use a gel. It absorbs much better and won't clog the stem like powder does.
  7. oilmaker68

    Calcium deficiency? What to do with the leaves? !

    Calmag. Is a must. That deff will overtake your plant in no time if you don't treat it quick
  8. oilmaker68

    Calcium deficiency? What to do with the leaves? !

    There is nothing you to do until they die bro. Let em die and they will drop off naturally. No point stressing the plant any more by pulling them off early
  9. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    No problem. That's great news. It has worked really well for me.
  10. oilmaker68

    Started this Baby last week.

    It's a wonderful strain. Cure some for about 2 months and then you'll get the best flavour. Clone it and keep a mother. You won't want to lose it once you grow a good one.
  11. oilmaker68

    Budmaster 675w LED Grow

    Ye it's ok and my new auto pot system only has 4 buckets so maybe natural selection has sorted it out for me lol. We'll see how they do. Early days yet
  12. oilmaker68

    growing in 100% perlite

    I think I'd flood rather than drip ?? More of a hydro setup. This is a good thread. Never thought of growing in perlite
  13. oilmaker68

    hairs have receeded??

    I still think it's either a hermie or pollenated. I've never seen a plant ready for harvest because it had no hairs ? Red hairs yes. No hairs ???? I'll bet you the seeds it produces ?? Lol
  14. oilmaker68

    Budmaster 675w LED Grow

    Sorry green. The tap root shot out of the side of the root riot rather than the light proof bottom so I had to put them in coco straight away. I don't like light and air on tap roots. I've done a bit of reading on these cubes now and apparently they a known for that and also the seed heaving...
  15. oilmaker68

    Budmaster 675w LED Grow

    I use cubes/plugs because I find watering easier to control because I'm a noob. When it's in a pot it's easier to overwater I think. But there is no real benefit other than that as far as I can tell. A seed grown directly in the medium it will grow in will more likely be a female if it has 4"...
  16. oilmaker68

    Started this Baby last week.

    make sure you have enough room for tha CSSH, she is a tall lady who loves the stretch, Im growing one in my Budmaster thread, its only a day old from seed but im not growing her full term, just want to see how it grows next to my indicas then ill give her away. ill watch your thread with...
  17. oilmaker68

    Budmaster 675w LED Grow

    well the littleuns aren't looking so good i have to say, im thinking about germing another four just in case >:( that could be $$$ worth of seeds down the shitter. never had that happen with rockwool plugs so i will stick to them from now on... on a good note, i ordered my auto pot system...
  18. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    OZ ?? could try making your own ????
  19. oilmaker68

    Rookie indoor grow, Help much appreciated!

    im gonna say that your medium may be too rich in nutrient for the one that has yellowing and a deformed leaf....could also be too bright for such little plants or both
  20. oilmaker68

    hairs have receeded??

    Never seen hairs recede before though but it was purely a guess. that was my thinking