Cannabis Grow Course


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know of a good marijuana grow course? I was thinking about purchasing a course from
Looks like they have some good info. Has anybody purchased their course? Any suggestions on good courses?
There is nothing on that course that can't be learned from Google and experience. Plant biology is rudimentary and growing techniques have been covered numerous times by many growers. If you want to learn how to grow buy a book and ask questions till people are tired of answering. I started with no knowledge and I am on my third grow and most successful yet. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Yeah no point in that mate all the info is free the video above^^^ is a 3 part they are all on youtube along with others it's where i learned so give it ago! and this site is packed with great info and most people are willing to help there are some dicks that take the piss but you will get that any where good luck mate

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Yeah no point in that mate all the info is free the video above^^^ is a 3 part they are all on youtube along with others it's where i learned so give it ago! and this site is packed with great info and most people are willing to help there are some dicks that take the piss but you will get that any where good luck mate
Not a 3 part, The complete movie is there.
Just some good info if you have some time.

A lot of great info on this site if you can decipher it.