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  1. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    no mate......Box said 20g per liter.... Calmag because i grow under LEDs and have found that without it i get massive deficiencies
  2. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    just to advise.....i didnt have the drippers set for long enough so the roots grew to the drippers so you need to make sure you get run off
  3. oilmaker68

    Goober's First Grow - Soil LED 240w

    Not sorry lol. I jest.
  4. oilmaker68

    Goober's First Grow - Soil LED 240w

    675w model
  5. oilmaker68

    Tricky one .

    Lol. Don't know why that was tricky hahaha balls out!
  6. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    So I took a leaf to my hydro guy and asked his opinion. He said I was right on my first diagnosis of potassium deff. So he gave me some potassium to add to my feeding schedule. He also thinks I'm watering toooooo frequently and not letting them dry out enough. I'm gonna leave them a few days to...
  7. oilmaker68

    Goober's First Grow - Soil LED 240w

    BUDMASTER if you can afford it. Marshydro if not. Marshydro make the black dog units.
  8. oilmaker68

    First time grower having problems.

    Also if you nuted the whole pot before planting as the roots search for moisture they will absorb the nutes at the bottom and sides of the pot so maybe just water until they look like they need a big of added extra.
  9. oilmaker68

    First time grower having problems.

    Tbh they look fairly normal to me. If anything just use PhD water for the next week then start a very mild nute regime gradually building up to full strength. Maybe lift the light a little as seedlings don require huge light and 400w is huge to them.
  10. oilmaker68

    Budmaster 675w LED Grow

    Ok so the formulex has done the job and the seedlings are now starting to grow. I accidentally knocked a pot over which broke a stem so I'm down to 5 candidates for my 4 pot grow. The CSSH is the largest seedling and if I'm honest I thing the soil mix with feed in has done it. I'll try formulex...
  11. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Said on the label 1ml/L so that's what I gave them. Not enough though. Keep me updated on how your grow goes if you don't get mg def I'll start with 2.5 all through too.
  12. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Left to right...... Incredible bulk, pineapple chunk, chronic. All plants now showing mg deff. I have soaked with magnecal and sprayed with Epsom salts. Fingers crossed
  13. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    I've just solved my potassium problem ........ It's not potassium defficiency !! It's magnesium. What a twat I am. Just double checked my diagnosis with my book and boom! So it seems that all through veg the plants were happy with 1ml magnecal to every L however during flower they are greedy...
  14. oilmaker68

    Sealed fridge grow?

    Nope. Need air circulation. Need a hole. Simple
  15. oilmaker68

    600w let me know what you guys think!

    Nicey nice nice
  16. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    Today is the start of week 3 in flower. I'm still getting potassium deff in the two chronic plants and nothing seems to be solving the issue. I've flushed, dried out and added more potassium but still no joy. The other strains are good and healthy and growing nicely. There are nice white pistils...
  17. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    I'll just add that the marshydro so far has been very impressive. It has performed extremely well. Just waiting for the weigh in to give a final verdict
  18. oilmaker68

    Marshydro Led grow...

    BUDMASTER have just upgraded their units with osram gold LEDs which are the bomb. However they are now around 3x as expensive as they were before. The unit I have is the 675w. I've grown 3 plants under it and in all honesty my inexperience let me down. I can't really say how good they are BUT in...
  19. oilmaker68

    tips turn pink NOT nute burn

    Defo nute burn. I you do t have to feed to get nute burn. It can build up in your soil/medium. Use a flushing agent in your next watering and clear any build up out of your medium
  20. oilmaker68

    Transplant shock.

    Wait until you see growth restart