tips turn pink NOT nute burn


Active Member
haven't fed nutes in 7 the 5th week of flowering and have only watered it with distilled tap water the entire grow with no problems but yesterday i gave it a watering directly from the water hose for first time..could this be why the tips haveturned pink? also
some pistiles from the top of all my colas have turned brown and twisted..literally, ONLY the top pistils, EVERYTHING underneath looks white and healthy..what do u,think RIU


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polo the don

Well-Known Member
Looks like simple nute burn to me. All plants may exhibit burn differently.

In the future when you need help with something we can be of more help if you describe the grow conditions and environment. I talking about everything, lighting, strain, medium, temps, nutes, and anything else even if you feel it's irrelevant. The more info you give the better your chances of getting a proper diagnosis or advice.

polo the don

Well-Known Member
By the way, the 5th week is about the right for your pistils to start turning red/brown and withering. The first ones to arrive are the first ones to turn color and recede(wither). Could it be that the ones on your tops were the first ones to grow?


Active Member
if you check my previous posts im actually very,thorough with details ..sorry my phone is broke and its very hard to type..outdoor container grow in sstagreen potting soil 5 gal bucket. im feeding it a fert with a npk ratio of 5.15.10..once every 7 days and water when necessary, usually EVERY 2 days or so...Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Polo's got it, plants flower in cycles and when a cycle ends they shrivel and brown preparing for the next cycle.

Also you haven't mentioned PH at all so I assume you straight feed your water to the soil. Which is fine if its constant and your micro-biology are good they will self PH I have done many grows with no PH (R/O water). However adding the variable of hose h20 could of killed/thrown off your micro-biology causing your PH to flux.


Well-Known Member
Defo nute burn. I you do t have to feed to get nute burn. It can build up in your soil/medium. Use a flushing agent in your next watering and clear any build up out of your medium