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  1. 3

    which one to pick?

    It's not just you ;) i used AN's entire line besides the organics. Well bud factor x and bud ignigtor is to expensive for me right now.... May i suggest Overdrive... It really kicks them back into gear for the last 2-4 weeks.
  2. 3

    The ph monster.....

    Ahh i forgot to mention that. I used AN Juicy Roots on all the girls. I do have filters to remove 98% of the chlorine but when I do all types of nasty bacteria invade the rez and bring the ph to 8.0 IMPORTANT QUESTION: Did i cut the girls in the wrong spot somehow? I cut about 1/4"...
  3. 3

    The ph monster.....

    Welllll..... Just changed the rez....... Used tap water from the faucet this time...... ppm 0 Left the chlorine in..... Will the chlorine affect my girls????
  4. 3

    21 seeds all males!!!

    On hindsight, 21 males..... BlackJack may be your game... hehe
  5. 3

    21 seeds all males!!!

    STAY AWAY FROM THE CASINO!!! ROULETTE IS YOUR ENEMY!!! Seriously, that sucks....
  6. 3

    The ph monster.....

    Shit, I had girls who were ready in 8-9 days last time....... I just checked and they are barely starting to "puff" up a little with mass meaning they might be ready in another 10 days..... Almost 20 days????? Is this normal?? I don't have much experience with aero..... Driving me nuts......
  7. 3

    will it finally pass?

    Good point. As I mentioned I'm all for Real Sick Ppl getting Mj Cards. But To the rest of the potheads not doing shit with there life..... Why can't growers profit from their lack of initiative? Before you answer that.... Why are we going to let Marlboro package crap weed with...
  8. 3

    Wanting to buy a Vaporizer

    I know it's 300 bucks but i bought the Extreme by Arizer. Digital remote control Shotguns etc. etc. cool blue led accents too..... Love it..... Vaping is kinda like smoking hash though..... It's not all there......
  9. 3

    DIY: pH Down - EASY!

    pro shit... hehe
  10. 3

    will it finally pass?

    Just so I understand.... Everyone should be allowed to smoke MJ at anytime as much as they want too? After 20 years of smoking I can see how this sounds like a good idea but I have a few gripes. I don't care what anyone says. MJ is highly psychoactive in ppl without tolerence. That's "cool"...
  11. 3

    Overwatered or Underwatered???

    You say ventilation is good so is it safe to assume your temps are ok?
  12. 3

    Overwatered or Underwatered???

    In my experience, It sound more like overwatering than underwatering to me. But it could be neither. I have never used a moisture meter as watering soil should become an instinct. You should be able to just look at your girls and know whan they need a drink. 5 gallons of soil is a good bit...
  13. 3

    The ph monster.....

    Hello, I'm using a Milwaukee sm802 Girls seem ok for now. A little yellowing but I suspect they are using energy to produces legs. I also am using a folair of AN Jumpstart. As directed. Yes I guess I need to figure out how to hurry and change the rez. I soaked the girls in B-52 last time...
  14. 3

    The ph monster.....

    e z clone 120 site...... I cleaned this unit a week prior with hot water and bleach. Rinsed it well and let it dry. Took cuttings, used tap water with two sediment/chlorine filters. ppm 0 .... ph 8.1 added some k silicate added ph down to lower to 5.6 first few days ph remained...