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  1. reno

    need help fast

    live in desert dont really have bugs here
  2. reno

    need help fast

    30 x mag glass
  3. reno

    need help fast

    have checked for bugs none
  4. reno

    all my pics

    dont want to lose crop got about 5 weeks to go flowers look good this problem appeared 4 days ago
  5. reno

    help iam a newbe

    not mites positive no bugs in room pics new just didnt change date on camera temp79 day 69 night humidity 50 to60 percent exellent growth great flowers
  6. reno

    help iam a newbe

    no fast growing
  7. reno

    need help fast

    not mites for sure temp 79 day 68 night humidity 50 percent possitive no bugs
  8. reno

    help iam a newbe

    what do you think this is and how do i fix it i believe it to be a mag deficiency due to cal overdose from cal/mag and hard water i flushed and fokiar sprayed w/ epsom salts help iam a newbe permalink I believe this to be a mag deficiency due to calcium overdose....used cal/mag w/ hard water...
  9. reno

    need help fast

    i am going to try and attach pictures am not having luck can anyone tell me how to attach a picture off of my computer need help fast to find out what is wrong with plants and how to help iam a newbe permalink I believe this to be a mag deficiency due to calcium overdose....used cal/mag w/...
  10. reno

    help iam a newbe

    pictures in album can't get them on post help
  11. reno

    help iam a newbe

    been trying to post pictures not having luck attaching have some on my album
  12. reno

    help iam a newbe

    I believe this to be a mag deficiency due to calcium overdose....used cal/mag w/ hard water ..... have since flushed and foliar sprayed w epsom salts....:wall: what do you think would love some feedbackok guys sorry about the weak post just learning, here we go. strand is white widow they r 7...